Cooked cow skin meal /// African "ponmo sauce"

in # blurtchef •  4 years ago • 2 min read

Ponmo is animals skin (mostly cows and goats skins ) which has been processed for consumers to cook and eat like beef. ... The hair could have been scraped off the skin before being boiled for some minutes (for like 10-15mins) Unlike ordinary cow skin, ponmo is tender and robust. Outstripping beef

Over the years, large numbers of Nigerians have been discarding beef for ponmo due to the way it's prepare , adding a lot of ingredients to it with pepper sauce , seasoning and lot of onions

Cow skin is said to be very high in collagen, a type of protein which is really quite important for holding bones and skin tissues in other places mostly in West African countries such as benin republic and Ghana , ponmo is well popular since it's avoidable than meat itself


Though health expert and nutritionist as claim that it is not advisable for people to consume ponmo in the sense that some of the animals killed and used for ponmo actually have skin diseases or mostly dead animals

They have also claim that apart from the effect of eating dead animals or animals with skin diseases , that it is also harmful and unhealthy but Nigerians disagree as the consumption rate as continue to increases So, the essence of eating ponmo is defeated if it is confirmed that it has no health benefits at all and eating burnt cow skin (Ponmo ) can also cause cancer


Eating ponmo however is at one own risk though it's usually well cook and very delicious 😊 😍

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