Reasons you may have Brain fog(health talk)

in # blurtconnect •  3 years ago • 2 min read

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What Is Brain Fog?
Brain fog generally describes a difficulty in memory and clear thinking. People suffering from brain fog may experience many other symptoms, and the causes of brain fog vary, but the term covers the general feeling of a clouded and unclear mind.

Symptoms Of Brain Fog
People suffering from brain fog may experience a variety of symptoms, but the main symptoms include memory issues, an inability to think clearly, difficulty focusing and concentrating on tasks, and general fatigue.


6 Common Causes Of Brain Fog
Why do people suffer from brain fog? There are a few common causes of brain fog, which range from everyday stress and dieting, to medical conditions.

1.Psychological Stress

Psychological stress can range from a demanding daily schedule to major life events. Stress can affect our brains, the way we think, process information, and retain that information — and brain fog is a common symptom.

2.Lack Of Sleep

Though it may sound overly simple, lack of proper sleep can be a huge factor in brain fog and other difficulties. Different people may need different amounts of sleep in order to function well, but brain fog can indicate that the body (and brain) is not getting enough rest.


Similarly, a healthy diet is important for brain functioning, and brain fog may be an indication that something is not right. It’s important to feed the body healthy and nutritious foods, and get enough vitamins and minerals so that the brain can function well.

4.Hormonal Changes

Big hormonal changes can have an impact on memory and cognitive processes. During big hormonal shifts, such as pregnancy or menopause, brain fog can be a symptom.


Brain fog may be a side effect of many medications. If you’re currently taking medication and experiencing brain fog, talk to your doctor to figure out possible solutions or alternative dosages.

6.Medical Conditions

Medical conditions which include inflammation, fatigue, or fluctuating glucose levels may affect thinking and cause brain fog. Below we’ll list some medical conditions that may include brain fog as a side effect.

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