in # blurtconnect •  3 years ago (edited)• 3 min read

I will start on the note of pouring out my heart felt sympathy for those who in one way or the other have had this ugly experience.

Embarrassment is an incident of which no body would want to repeat or talk about it. Believe you me or not, if you haven’t had the encounter you won’t understand what it feels like .


It is an encounter that if one is not careful or self control he or she can probably drop death or react so badly. In the other hand It is an experience that one can eventually learn from, either in bad way or good.
I know some people would not still understand what these feels like, until they experience it themselves. So in that case I thought it wise to share MY FIRST AND ONLY LASTING EMBARRASSMENT INCIDENT with you.
It is my unforgotten experience as well as stepping stone to my success and also a reason I am still in these journey to the priesthood up till today.

I have accepted it to be a life of change, a change of mind and body towards people regardless of their background. In my journey to the priesthood, I have been broken, I have been assaulted many times, I have shed tears, I have regretted as many times as I could but God’s grace has been what have keeping me through these trials
It was one evening mass,


I was to prepare for the celebration of the holy mass, it was my fault to have slept off past the time schedule for the mass, so I end up preparing for the mass late. The priest I was working was very angry so at such he render me useless and lavish on me names of all kinds before the whole congregation of the faithful, As I was thought “never say a word” so I kept quiet until the mass begins.
While on the procession

the priest said something to me of which I didn’t hear him clearly, so the procession over; I went later to ask “please Fr what did you say” the next reply I got was a clap on my face just before the presence of all the congregation.
I was so ashamed of my self and tears drop down my eyes, I wish the ground will open for me to enter. But I never said anything nor reacted. So I waited till after the mass

I went home, refusing to be consoled and not to eat for days.


That is my ugly experience of which I can not forget in a the hurry

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