Kentzz reviews | Swat 4 on PC | [ENG]

in # blurtgaming •  4 years ago • 6 min read

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When the police are in a tough situation, who are they going to call? Their replacement is the SWAT, these men and women are working tirelessly every day to plan anything that could come their way. They are specialized in super aggressive scenarios where traditional police tactics cannot work. While the SWAT teams have weapons and are empowered to take lethal action in exceptional situations, their mission is to save anyone from dying, which is what makes their job so challenging. Not only do they have to face overwhelming odds, so they can't take the easy way out to kill their threats, but they're still finding non-lethal ways to bring their enemies to justice. Even if this might be the case, it is said that many SWAT participants love the excitement that gives them.

This is the case, most people will believe that there should be more SWAT games on the PC. Although there are a lot of them out there, a handful of them is actually decent. Irrational Games launched the latest iteration of their popular SWAT games, simply called SWAT 4. This is a game that many players have been trying to get their hands on. The job of the player in this game is to take the five-person SWAT team into extremely risky situations and try and spread them with as few casualties as possible. Not only is the squad under one command to support missions, but they are also paired into two groups (red and blue). For example, if you surround the enemy in a room and the room has two doors, you're going to tell the blue team to go to one door and then order the red to the other door. And at the same time, you can order them to knock open all doors by throwing some kind of flash grenade in to stun the enemy. Players would have to use tactics like this if they were to be competitive on each mission.

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When you monitor classes directly, you have the privilege of watching what they're doing by merely pressing a mouse. A screen will appear, and you will be looking from the eyes of one of the party's founders. If you switch the mouse to the screen, you can do minimal things, such as opening the door and doing things along those lines. It is incredibly easy to order your squadron of SWAT members. All you need to do is click the correct button (this can be changed in the Setup menu) and give commands such as looking about, picking a lock, or kicking a door in, and throwing a flash grenade before progressing. The menus would not clumsy the computer and confuse you from the excitement and stress you're feeling during the task.

The selection of weapons in this game is really good. You'll be able to pick from a range of weapons that can be helpful in a variety of situations. Any of the weapons are handguns, shotguns, semi-automatic weapons, and more. On top of that, you'll have a set of three "disarming" grenades that will help you kill your opponents. The best part of this is that if you throw a "Flashbang" grenade and you're in the line of fire, you'll be blinded momentarily as well as the enemy. This further pushes the realism that this game is trying to achieve. One of the best arms to see in action is a taser stun gun. It's always fun to see an enemy stuck like this while they falter, but it's better for them than an alternative to life-long dirt sleep.

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The mission structure will take you from the jewelry heist to the casino heist. The only sad thing about the missions is that they don't all tie together in a grand scheme for the big masterminds of crime. Instead, every mission is free on its own. And if this is the case, the missions are very fun and will keep you interested until you see the final tab. Players are ranked on their goal and performance, for example, you get more points for arresting people than shooting them, and so on.

One of the best items in this game is the AI foe. While it's not the biggest I've ever seen in a video game, I'm going to say it's really near. If an enemy is being pursued and shot, he will attempt to find a cover, a duck, and watch you maneuver and find a flaw in the strategy to try to exploit it. Your AI colleagues are all very sweet. They're going to pick up locks, look about, and usually do some useful stuff. It's going to be an extremely rare moment for you to note that they're stuck or something along those lines.

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SWAT 4 graphics look pretty decent until you look at the other games that are actually available on your PC. The argument is that character model and diverse worlds are not as detailed as other games that are currently out there. And if that is the case, the game is nevertheless appealing. The game artists have also done a fine job of conveying the reality that the players have seen in the movie. The diverse environments that you're going to walk in all over the game have a common sense of gritty realism.

The sound effects of the game have been incorporated. The different sound of gunfire from both weapons is very realistic. The best thing is, when the "Flashbang" blast goes off, as if you're too close, you're going to know it's called that. The various voices that people gave to the game complement all the characters very well. When the enemy is hit, they seem to be whimpering in pain, bringing more realism to SWAT 4. The range of music is rather light, and to be honest, you can hardly remember it when you're about to get into action.

Thank you for reading and I'm wishing you all the best. Also, you can vote for me as a witness, if you do I'm very pleased.

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