I will tell you about the swan and the various benefits of the swan.

in # blurtimals •  4 years ago (edited)• 2 min read


Assalamu Alaikum,how are you all?I hope you are well, I am also well with your prayers.Today I will talk to you about the swan.The animals you see in the picture are called swans.Here were some swans sitting on the shore.As far as I know swans like to stay in groups.Swans are reared in every rural area of ​​Bangladesh.Many people keep this swan as a hobby.Because these swans are so beautiful to look at.

Some people keep these swans in the hope of making more profit.Many people in Bangladesh keep swans in the hope of profit.Those who keep ducks make a good profit by selling duck meat and eggs.Because a duck is sold for fifteen hundred tk.You will also sell one duck egg for 15 tk.That person also makes a profit by selling duck eggs.Because people eat duck eggs more nutritious than other eggs.Especially I also eat duck eggs.

In this picture you can see some swans walking along the road.Swan meat is much better.Due to the amount of calories in duck meat is much higher.It is much better to eat swan meat in winter.And duck eggs have more calories than other eggs.Eating duck eggs is very beneficial for our sex.Because playing these eggs increases our sex power.

For this beneficial I eat duck eggs every day.Even if I don't have duck eggs at home, I eat from where I sell them outside.Due to this, eggs are boiled and sold separately outside in winter.It seems that they have a lot in common with water.Not to mention one more thing.

When one swan makes a sound, the other swans accompany it.They especially like to stay in groups.You can keep swans in the hope of making more profit.Because you can make more profit at lower cost.In the end I want to say that you will all be well, stay healthy and try to keep everyone well.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

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