I will tell you something about Ram goat and Black Bengal goat.

in # blurtimals •  4 years ago • 3 min read

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Assalamu Alaikum,How are you all?I hope you are well, I am also well with your prayers.Today I will show you some of the benefits and qualities of Ram Goat and Black Bengal Goat.In the picture you can see Ram goat and Black Bengal goat.Most of the people in our country keep this type of goat for profit.Especially Black Bengal goats are reared more.Because the only source of income for most of the people in Bangladesh is raising goats in this meager capital.So they are keeping these goats for profit with little capital.
We have many unemployed youth in Bangladesh.They are now able to make good profits with this type of goat farm since they are not sitting still.Their unemployment is being eliminated from this.I think they did a good job with this goat farm.Because they can be entrepreneurs with this goat farm.And through this you will be able to eliminate the unemployment of some more unemployed youth.And by keeping such goats, they will be able to benefit a lot more.Because it can be much more profitable with less capital.And this kind of work is much better if the unemployed youth take the initiative.
They are benefiting a lot by keeping these goats in most of the districts of Bangladesh.And this goat meat is very tasty.
Which meets our demand for meat.I don't think those who don't raise goats on the farm can be more profitable.Because if you keep goats on the farm and feed them according to their daily routine, the goat will grow a lot at once and he will benefit a lot.Because these goats grow much more by eating less.And there are many buyers of such goats.Because buyers buy more of these goats.This type of goat is in high demand in the market.
The more quality of these goats is that there is a great demand for the skin of such goats.Most of the income in Bangladesh comes from the leather industry.That is why the skin of this Black Bengal goat is in high demand.Shoe bag sandals are made with this goat skin.Goat horns are used in many ways.This type of goat skin is used in various garments.Bangladesh is ahead in the world for leather industry.So finally I would like to say that if you want to benefit, you can keep this kind of goat.Because you can keep these goats for more profit with less capital.Stay well, stay healthy and keep everyone well.
Thanks everyone

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