International Women's Day | Ocassion of Celebration on blurt blog platform

in # blurtindia •  3 years ago • 1 min read

I, as a woman, consider this a great day for myself. Today, women's rights are defined all over the world. But sadly, despite the world being so developed today, we women have not been able to find the place we should have. Just yesterday's news is that on March 7, a man shot five times when a daughter was born and killed the girl.
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Today, women have shown their potential in every field. Along with men, we women have played an equal role in the development of this world.
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Today we women celebrated that
Women word complete by
W - Wheel of family
O - Ocean of knowledge
M - Mirror of children
A - Address of Love
N - Navigator of boat
Today, the unity, solidarity and strength of women is made public. Women's awareness is being spread all over the world through women's march. This day is all about women's rights.

This day is celebrated by the women of a great nation and its significance is explained. I take this opportunity to congratulate all the women who have paved the way for us to move forward.

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