Littel gesture's makes a moment !!!

in # blurtindia •  last year • 1 min read

Hi everyone, I hope all are doing great

Today was a very busy and hectic day We were suppose to submit our assignments
but you know a small gesture or a small pleasure makes the life warm and comforting.

Today my friend bought Tiffin box or lunch box which contained garlic bread which she made on her own this morning,and guess what she skipped her breakfats because of her preparations although it might be just a normal lunch for other but for me it was a box filled with the treasure of love, care and happiness.
I am so blessed to have such joyfull personality around me......


I hope all of have some or the other who makes a hectic day a memorable day if you have have one then you must find your self luckey because we can earn money but true and caring friends is hard to earn and once we loose them impossible to regain.

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