My daughter my bestie forever......πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©

in # blurtlatam β€’  last year β€’ 4 min read

My daughter's first day pic in our beautiful world clicked by my hubby,and seriously guys we both and my family and in laws all were really happy to see her. At the time she born it was 2:45 on Monday 11 of october 2019.and it was a big festival also this day i.e, "Giyarvi sharif ".

Then on 11 day of her it's time to called her name in her ear , Me and my husband before delivery decided the names of girls and also boys, if I deliver a boy
Finally we discussed the name with my sister and sister in law then we called her "Amaira Sehrish".
After naming ceremony her pappa brought Laddu and distribute among relatives, friends and neighbours.

Naming ceremony pic

After 40 days ,a big ceremony done in my in- laws house for welcoming to both of us .
At that time it was soo horrible for me and the day was really nervousness, my baby once she crying when function started and not even to stop crying till 12 midnight . What happened to her.??????
Allah(God)knows ....
Then next day we all wake up late at 11am and have breakfast. My my little angel ,she was playing with my father in law and with my sister in law.
The day when we entered here,the house became brighter and she is the only 1 and the first kid of this house. All are giving attention to her all around the day . I'm having one intresting thing to share of my daughter. She slept all over the day time and she wake up and playing when midnight starts till morning 6 am really it was soo annoying to me and really guys I was to cry at that time ,when I will sleep at night ...when ?????
It happens till 1 year , and that she was sleeping at night time ....and playing during the day time , really thank you Allah (God) for this.....


The day came when she was born ,11 of october 2020 her first birthday,it was so enjoyable and memorable for me ,I can't upload the videos of her birthday here

She got full of gifts on her first birthday from each and every family members side . And you know, the day Today also we have kept the gifts of everyone.
She and my son was play with all toys .Always as soon as they play I kept safely all the toys and vehicles . really she is very very naughty as you can see here where she is ......πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


This picture is from her chachu's wedding day
She enjoyed each and every function of my brother in law and each ceremony she used to sit behind her chachu and really all will Happy to see her and even my father in law wants to clicked her photos in his mobile phone .

The day when we go for outing and she is feeling excited before one day .

From the childhood time, this two friends you can see ,they all are best friends Ayesha and Arfa .
Now also when we go to my in laws house they both ran to meet my daughter first and seriously guys whole day they will play in my in laws house and my daughter loved to both of them , when myself and even my mother in law angry on her friends,she will fight to us first and then escape and always she stood stands and tell don't say anything to my friends,don't talked to me .like this sentence she repeat and fight with us .
Now I have above 1000 photos of my daughter and I can't upload all her pics and every moment of her .Now I'm uploading her present photo of her ,how she looked and it was just a dream for me she was here with me alhamdulillah, now she is 4 years old very intelligent and always ready to fight with her phuphu (Bua) .They both will fight and my sister in law loved to fight with her and listening her back answers and seeing her actions ,how she is doing and how she is telling. My sister in law always clicked her photos in each and every moment....
I love you Amaira Sehrish from the bottom of my heart


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  Β·  last year  Β·  

MashaAllah pyari hi aapki.

  Β·  last year  Β·  

Jazakallah dear 😊