My mom still helps me in any way, shape, and form as much as she can up to this day ⋆⋅♡⋅⋆ Mi madre me sigue ayudando en todo lo que puede hasta el día de hoy

in # blurtlatam •  2 years ago • 22 min read

Nanay withMayor.jpg


My mother, the person with an orange shawl is listening to our Mayor's speech before receiving the financial support that she requested a few weeks ago.

Mi madre, la persona del chal naranja, está escuchando el discurso de nuestro alcalde antes de recibir la ayuda económica que solicitó hace unas semanas.

I remember during the first few weeks of being a new dialysis patient. My mother started to think about what to sell around the house to help with my expenses for my dialysis treatment sessions. At that time we do not have any health insurances to cut some of my expenses because my parents could not afford to get one or have the budget for it. So in that instance when she started talking about selling anything from this house I was surprised that my eldest brother suddenly had blurted-out on what he felt. He told my mother in an angry and crying manner and totally upset on why my mother was always thinking about me. Maybe because my eldest brother felt threatened that my health condition and expenses will also destroy him in that regard.

Recuerdo las primeras semanas como paciente de diálisis. Mi madre empezó a pensar qué vender en casa para ayudarme con los gastos de mis sesiones de tratamiento de diálisis. En aquel momento no teníamos ningún seguro médico para recortar algunos de mis gastos porque mis padres no podían permitirse contratar uno ni tenían presupuesto para ello. Así que cuando empezó a hablar de vender cualquier cosa de la casa, me sorprendió que mi hermano mayor soltara de repente lo que sentía. Se lo dijo a mi madre llorando y enfadado y totalmente molesto por qué mi madre siempre estaba pensando en mí. Tal vez porque mi hermano mayor se sentía amenazado de que mi estado de salud y los gastos también lo destruirán en ese sentido.



Being really poor, it came to my mother's mind to sell things from this house just to support my medical treatment with the opposition of my eldest brother.

Como era muy pobre, a mi madre se le ocurrió vender cosas de esta casa para costear mi tratamiento médico con la oposición de mi hermano mayor.

I went speechless about my eldest brother's reaction when my mother was talking about selling some appliances which only includes a small television set and a nineteen years old refrigerator and yet my eldest brother which should be my number 1 supporter had just revealed his sentiment towards me. That is why until now he doesn't help me out with my expenses nor helps my parents with some of the expenses for our daily needs. After the lamentations of my brother he uttered some words with a vengeful tone about my mother in giving more attention than him.

Me quedé sin palabras ante la reacción de mi hermano mayor cuando mi madre hablaba de vender algunos electrodomésticos que sólo incluyen un pequeño televisor y un frigorífico de diecinueve años y, sin embargo, mi hermano mayor, que debería ser mi apoyo número 1, acababa de revelar su sentimiento hacia mí. Es por eso que hasta ahora no me ayuda con mis gastos ni ayuda a mis padres con algunos de los gastos para nuestras necesidades diarias. Después de las lamentaciones de mi hermano pronunció algunas palabras con un tono vengativo sobre mi madre en dar más atención que él.



My brother just revealed his real sentiment towards me which I can feel until now. It is a sad reality which is why my other siblings had given-up his efforts for me to get a new Kidney because he felt that he is the only one helping me out and it is too much for him to bear.

Mi hermano acaba de revelar su verdadero sentimiento hacia mí que puedo sentir hasta ahora. Es una triste realidad que es la razón por la que mis otros hermanos habían renunciado a sus esfuerzos para mí para conseguir un nuevo riñón porque sentía que él es el único que me ayuda a cabo y es demasiado para él soportar.

My mother had clearly stated that she was giving me an extra attention because I needed it considering that I am in a very precarious situation both physically and financially. We do not have enough money to sustain my financial needs other than the earning from my father form being a taxi cab driver and operator at that time. All our expenses is just coming from "out of pocket" because we do not have any health insurance or any clue on how it works. Almost all of my siblings are still going to school at that time including my eldest brother who took another course in college to pursue a teaching career.

Mi madre me dijo claramente que me prestaba más atención porque la necesitaba, ya que me encuentro en una situación muy precaria, tanto física como económicamente. No tenemos suficiente dinero para cubrir mis necesidades económicas, aparte de lo que gana mi padre como taxista. Todos nuestros gastos salen de nuestro bolsillo porque no tenemos seguro médico ni idea de cómo funciona. Casi todos mis hermanos seguían estudiando en aquel momento, incluido mi hermano mayor, que hizo otro curso en la universidad para estudiar magisterio.



My mother's extra attention towards me is because I needed it and not that I am her favorite child. She had explained it to my other siblings and they accepted it but not my eldest brother who has a lot of resentment against me.

La atención extra de mi madre hacia mí es porque la necesitaba y no porque sea su hijo favorito. Se lo había explicado a mis otros hermanos y ellos lo aceptaron, pero no mi hermano mayor, que me guarda mucho rencor.

My other brother, the one that came out before me was just starting out to be an employee to one of the nearest factory in my town. He was my major supporter right from the start and gives most of his small salary to ease the burden of expenses that our family was trying to patch-up. Later he got promoted from his job and was earning a still small salary but it was making a difference. I was able to pay for my expenses because he would borrow money from our neighbor which is a "loan shark" until he was able to loan some money from his co-worker friends who didn't charged him to pay any interest from those loans.

Mi otro hermano, el que salió antes que yo, acababa de empezar a trabajar en una de las fábricas más cercanas de mi ciudad. Fue mi mayor apoyo desde el principio y donó la mayor parte de su pequeño sueldo para aliviar la carga de los gastos que nuestra familia intentaba solventar. Más tarde le ascendieron en su trabajo y ganaba un sueldo aún pequeño, pero que marcaba la diferencia. Pude pagar mis gastos porque le pedía prestado dinero a nuestro vecino, que es un "usurero", hasta que pudo pedir prestado dinero a sus amigos compañeros de trabajo, que no le cobraban intereses por esos préstamos.



I have so much to thank about my second brother for being heaven sent for me. Because he made sacrifices in getting married by postponing it because he want to extend his support for me. I am glad that I no longer need his financial support and it is a relief for both of us.

Tengo mucho que agradecer a mi segundo hermano por ser un enviado del cielo para mí. Porque hizo sacrificios para casarse posponiéndolo porque quería prolongar su apoyo para mí. Me alegro de que ya no necesito su apoyo financiero y es un alivio para los dos.

Those financial support from my second sibling along with the earnings from my father as a Taxi operators was the factor that I survived the forts two years of being a dialysis patient. On the third year my church (MCGI.ORG) which I belong to had opened an almost free dialysis center within the convention center compound from which I was able to get an almost free dialysis treatment sessions until the service became free for good. However the treatment session quality had declined considerably but I was thinking that it is free anyway and I can be able to survive without much expenses.

La ayuda económica de mi segundo hermano y los ingresos de mi padre como taxista fueron los factores que me permitieron sobrevivir a los dos primeros años de diálisis. Al tercer año, mi iglesia (MCGI.ORG), a la que pertenezco, había abierto un centro de diálisis casi gratuito en el recinto del centro de convenciones, donde pude recibir sesiones de diálisis casi gratuitas hasta que el servicio pasó a ser gratuito para siempre. Sin embargo, la calidad de las sesiones de tratamiento había disminuido considerablemente, pero yo pensaba que, de todos modos, era gratis y podía sobrevivir sin muchos gastos.



My church's (MCGI.ORG) also had played a major role in easing the financial burden to my family by giving me a free dialysis treatment for about six years until I finally utilized the government health insurance that I am still using until now.

Mi iglesia (MCGI.ORG) también ha desempeñado un papel importante a la hora de aliviar la carga económica de mi familia al ofrecerme un tratamiento de diálisis gratuito durante unos seis años, hasta que finalmente utilicé el seguro médico del gobierno que sigo utilizando hasta ahora.

Within those former times that I can still walk and go to places and to the government offices where I can ask for financial and medical assistance, I was not letting my mother help me out because I can still do it on my own anyway. But after I became immobile which was caused by the degeneration of my bones, I left the task of going to our local government to do those task instead of me because it is just impossible until now. Maybe I can do it with the help of a mobility support but driving there using a car is also impossible because I do not have a driver's license and I am surely not qualified to drive a car as well.

En aquellos tiempos en los que todavía podía caminar e ir a lugares y a las oficinas del gobierno donde podía pedir ayuda financiera y médica, no dejaba que mi madre me ayudara porque todavía podía hacerlo por mi cuenta de todos modos. Pero cuando me quedé inmóvil, debido a la degeneración de mis huesos, dejé que fuera el gobierno local el que hiciera esas tareas en mi lugar, porque hasta ahora me resultaba imposible. Tal vez pueda hacerlo con la ayuda de un soporte de movilidad, pero conducir hasta allí utilizando un coche también es imposible porque no tengo permiso de conducir y seguramente tampoco estoy cualificada para conducir un coche.



My immobility issue had made me to totally rely on my parents in doing things for me and one of those is forgetting the idea that I cannot be independent on going to local government offices for requesting a medical and financial support.

Mi problema de inmovilidad me ha hecho depender totalmente de mis padres para hacer cosas por mí y una de ellas es olvidar la idea de que no puedo ser independiente a la hora de ir a las oficinas del gobierno local para solicitar una ayuda médica y económica.

But I am not forcing my mother to do those things, in fact I am just telling her to stop it already because she is already old and should just be enjoying her time within the sunset of her life. She told me that it is her way of trying to help me in any way that she can. I also had told her to keep the money for her and my father because I really no longer needed it. It will serve as her consolation for the effort that she is doing for my sake. But she always insist on doing it because I guess that it is simply a case of selfless love of a parent towards her child.

Pero no estoy obligando a mi madre a hacer esas cosas, de hecho sólo le digo que lo deje ya porque ya es mayor y debería limitarse a disfrutar de su tiempo en el ocaso de su vida. Me ha dicho que es su forma de intentar ayudarme en lo que pueda. También le dije que guardara el dinero para ella y para mi padre porque ya no lo necesitaba. Le serviría de consuelo por el esfuerzo que está haciendo por mí. Pero ella siempre insiste en hacerlo porque supongo que es simplemente un caso de amor desinteresado de un padre hacia su hijo.



I had been enjoying my mother's selfless love all my entire life and she still want to help me. Maybe until she physically cannot do it anymore and I thank God that I have a parent like her which is one of my major emotional support as well all my life.

Llevaba toda mi vida disfrutando del amor desinteresado de mi madre y ella sigue queriendo ayudarme. Tal vez hasta que ella físicamente no puede hacerlo más y doy gracias a Dios que tengo un padre como ella que es uno de mi mayor apoyo emocional también toda mi vida.

If my mother would no longer be around I will be in a difficult situation because I do not think that anybody even my father can do the same things that my mother is doing for me. It has been a long, long time that my mother had been with me especially in these times that I am more vulnerable. That is why I am praying that God would bless my mother with more strength until I am able to at least give her a token of appreciation that will make both of my parents be in a better situation compared to what we are going through right now.

Si mi madre dejara de estar a mi lado, me encontraría en una situación difícil, porque no creo que nadie, ni siquiera mi padre, pueda hacer lo mismo que mi madre hace por mí. Hace mucho, mucho tiempo que mi madre está conmigo, sobre todo ahora que soy más vulnerable. Por eso rezo para que Dios bendiga a mi madre con más fuerza hasta que sea capaz de darle al menos una muestra de agradecimiento que haga que mis dos padres estén en una situación mejor comparada con la que estamos pasando ahora.



I know that what my mother wants, she wants a house and I want to give it to her as a token of appreciation for all the things that she was doing for me while not expecting things in return and may God wills it for me.

Sé que lo que quiere mi madre, quiere una casa y quiero dársela como muestra de agradecimiento por todo lo que ha hecho por mí sin esperar nada a cambio y que Dios quiera para mí.

Of course I will not forget on how my other sibling had helped me right from the start. It also helped a lot that we belong in the same religion because otherwise I might not get the same support from him if was not taught to love his own brother. He is doing well now financially plus the fact that his wife also works in the same company that he was working for and I am glad that things had went into their proper places for his life. He even passed through the big hurdle about his health which is involving his heart where is not required anymore to get treated with a medical procedure that would widen one of the arteries of his heart because his special diet and the way he eats now truly made his heart to recover although he must be vigilant in taking care of his heart now. I also cannot wat to give him a useful gift that he do not want to buy, a car because he said that it is just a liability although he needs it.

Por supuesto, no olvidaré cómo me ayudó mi otro hermano desde el principio. También ayudó mucho el hecho de que pertenezcamos a la misma religión porque, de lo contrario, no recibiría el mismo apoyo de él si no me hubiera enseñado a amar a su propio hermano. Ahora le va bien económicamente, además de que su mujer también trabaja en la misma empresa que él, y me alegro de que las cosas le hayan ido bien en la vida. Incluso ha superado el gran obstáculo de su salud, que afecta a su corazón, y ya no tiene que someterse a un procedimiento médico que ensancharía una de las arterias de su corazón, porque su dieta especial y su forma de comer han hecho que su corazón se recupere, aunque ahora debe estar atento para cuidar de él. Tampoco puedo ir a hacerle un regalo útil que no quiere comprar, un coche, porque dice que es una carga aunque lo necesite.


Mʏ ʏᴏᴜɴɢᴇʀ sɪsᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴇғᴛ, Mʏsᴇʟғ , Mʏ sᴜᴘᴘᴏʀᴛɪᴠᴇ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴ ᴍʏ ʟᴇғᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴜʀ ᴇʟᴅᴇsᴛ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ sɪᴅᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏ.

God had given me a supportive brother which was made for me by God for the reason that we are also belonging to the same religion. I still want to show him too a token of my appreciation. It is because of the sacrifices that he gave me which still he wants to willing to give me until now.

Dios me había dado un hermano solidario que fue hecho para mí por Dios por la razón de que también pertenecemos a la misma religión. Todavía quiero mostrarle también una muestra de mi agradecimiento. Es debido a los sacrificios que me dio que todavía quiere dispuesto a darme hasta ahora.

Translated in Filipino [Taglish]

Naaalala ko noong mga unang linggo ng pagiging bagong pasyente ng dialysis. Ang aking ina ay nagsimulang mag-isip tungkol sa kung ano ang ibebenta sa paligid ng bahay upang makatulong sa aking mga gastos para sa aking mga sesyon ng paggamot sa dialysis. Sa oras na iyon wala kaming anumang mga health insurance upang mabawasan ang ilan sa aking mga gastos dahil ang aking mga magulang ay hindi kayang kumuha nito o magkaroon ng badyet para dito. So in that instance when she started talking about selling anything from this house nagulat ako na biglang nagblurt-out ang panganay kong kapatid sa naramdaman niya. Sinabi niya sa aking ina sa isang galit at umiiyak na paraan at lubos na nagagalit kung bakit ang aking ina ay palaging iniisip tungkol sa akin. Siguro dahil nakaramdam ng pananakot ang aking panganay na kapatid na masisira rin siya ng kalagayan at gastos ko sa bagay na iyon.

Natahimik ako sa naging reaksyon ng aking panganay na kapatid nang ang aking ina ay nagsasalita tungkol sa pagbebenta ng ilang mga kagamitan na kinabibilangan lamang ng isang maliit na telebisyon at isang labing siyam na taong gulang na refrigerator ngunit ang aking panganay na kapatid na lalaki na dapat ay aking numero 1 na tagasuporta ay nagpahayag ng kanyang damdamin sa akin. Kaya naman hanggang ngayon ay hindi niya ako tinutulungan sa aking mga gastusin at hindi rin niya tinutulungan ang aking mga magulang sa ilan sa mga gastusin sa aming pang araw-araw na pangangailangan. Pagkatapos ng mga panaghoy ng aking kapatid ay nagbitaw siya ng ilang mga salita na may mapaghiganti na tono tungkol sa aking ina sa pagbibigay ng higit na atensyon kaysa sa kanya.

Malinaw na sinabi ng nanay ko na binibigyan niya ako ng dagdag na atensyon dahil kailangan ko ito dahil nasa napakadelikadong sitwasyon ako sa pisikal at pinansyal. Wala kaming sapat na pera para matustusan ang aking mga pinansiyal na pangangailangan maliban sa kinikita ng aking ama bilang isang taxi cab driver at operator noong panahong iyon. Lahat ng gastusin natin ay galing lang sa "out of pocket" dahil wala tayong health insurance o anumang clue kung paano ito gumagana. Halos lahat ng mga kapatid ko ay nag-aaral pa sa mga oras na iyon kasama na ang aking panganay na kapatid na kumuha ng ibang kurso sa kolehiyo upang ituloy ang karera sa pagtuturo.

Ang isa ko pang kapatid, ang nauna sa akin ay nagsisimula pa lang maging empleyado sa isa sa pinakamalapit na pabrika sa aking bayan. Siya ang aking pangunahing tagasuporta sa simula pa lamang at ibinibigay ang halos lahat ng kanyang maliit na suweldo upang mapagaan ang pasanin ng mga gastusin na sinusubukan ng aming pamilya na ayusin. Nang maglaon ay na-promote siya mula sa kanyang trabaho at kumikita pa rin ng maliit na suweldo ngunit ito ay gumagawa ng pagkakaiba. Nabayaran ko ang aking mga gastusin dahil manghihiram siya ng pera sa aming kapitbahay na isang "loan shark" hanggang sa makapag-loan siya ng pera sa kanyang mga katrabaho na kaibigan na hindi siya sinisingil ng anumang interes mula sa mga pautang na iyon.

Iyong financial support mula sa pangalawang kapatid ko kasama ang kinita ng tatay ko bilang Taxi operators ang dahilan kung bakit ako nakaligtas sa mga kuta ng dalawang taon ng pagiging dialysis patient. Sa ikatlong taon ang aking simbahan (MCGI.ORG) na kinabibilangan ko ay nagbukas ng halos libreng dialysis center sa loob ng convention center compound kung saan nakakuha ako ng halos libreng dialysis treatment sessions hanggang sa naging libre ng tuluyan ang serbisyo. Gayunpaman, ang kalidad ng session ng paggamot ay bumaba nang husto ngunit iniisip ko na ito ay libre pa rin at maaari akong mabuhay nang walang labis na gastos.

Within those former times that I can still walk and go to places and to the government offices where I can ask for financial and medical assistance, I was not letting my mother help me out because I can still do it on my own anyway. Ngunit pagkatapos kong maging hindi makagalaw na dulot ng pagkabulok ng aking mga buto, iniwan ko ang tungkuling pumunta sa ating lokal na pamahalaan upang gawin ang gawaing iyon sa halip na ako dahil imposible lang hanggang ngayon. Marahil ay magagawa ko ito sa tulong ng isang mobility support ngunit ang pagmamaneho doon gamit ang kotse ay imposible rin dahil wala akong lisensya sa pagmamaneho at tiyak na hindi rin ako kwalipikadong magmaneho ng kotse.

Ngunit hindi ko pinipilit ang aking ina na gawin ang mga bagay na iyon, sa katunayan ay sinasabi ko lang sa kanya na itigil na ito dahil matanda na siya at dapat ay ine-enjoy lang ang kanyang oras sa paglubog ng araw ng kanyang buhay. Sinabi niya sa akin na ito ang kanyang paraan ng pagsisikap na tulungan ako sa anumang paraan na magagawa niya. Sinabi ko rin sa kanya na itago ang pera para sa kanya at sa aking ama dahil talagang hindi ko na ito kailangan. Ito ang magsisilbing consolation niya sa effort na ginagawa niya para sa kapakanan ko. Ngunit palagi niyang pinipilit na gawin ito dahil sa palagay ko ito ay isang kaso lamang ng walang pag-iimbot na pagmamahal ng isang magulang sa kanyang anak.

Kung wala na ang aking ina ay malalagay ako sa isang mahirap na sitwasyon dahil hindi ko akalaing magagawa ng kahit sino kahit ang aking ama ang mga bagay na ginagawa ng aking ina para sa akin. Matagal, matagal na panahon na nakasama ko ang nanay ko lalo na sa mga panahong ito na mas vulnerable ako. Kaya naman nagdadasal ako na sana ay biyayaan pa ng Diyos ang aking ina ng higit na lakas hanggang sa mabigyan ko man lang siya ng isang token of appreciation na magiging mas maayos ang kalagayan ng dalawa kong magulang kumpara sa pinagdadaanan namin ngayon.

Syempre hindi ko makakalimutan kung paano ako tinulungan ng isa ko pang kapatid sa simula pa lang. Malaki rin ang naitulong na magkarelihiyon kami dahil kung hindi ay baka hindi ako makakuha ng parehong suporta mula sa kanya kung hindi tinuruan na mahalin ang sariling kapatid. Maayos na ang kalagayan niya ngayon sa pananalapi at ang katotohanan na ang kanyang asawa ay nagtatrabaho din sa parehong kumpanya kung saan siya nagtatrabaho at natutuwa ako na ang mga bagay ay napunta sa kanilang mga tamang lugar para sa kanyang buhay. Nalampasan pa niya ang malaking hadlang tungkol sa kanyang kalusugan na kinasasangkutan ng kanyang puso kung saan hindi na kailangan pang magpagamot ng isang medikal na pamamaraan na magpapalaki sa isa sa mga ugat ng kanyang puso dahil ang kanyang espesyal na diyeta at ang paraan ng kanyang pagkain ngayon ay tunay na nakapagbigay sa kanya. puso na gumaling bagama't kailangan niyang maging mapagmatyag sa pangangalaga ng kanyang puso ngayon. I also cannot wat to give him a useful gift na ayaw niyang bilhin, kotse dahil liability lang daw iyon although kailangan niya.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't know the author but they are beautiful words very true


Once a mother was asked which was her favorite son, the one she loved the most. She, revealing a smile, replied: "Nothing is more fickle than a mother's heart, and, as a mother, I answer: the favorite son is the one to whom I dedicate myself body and soul:

He is my sick son, until he heals.

The one who left, until he returns.

The one who is tired, until he rests.

The one who is hungry, until he is fed.

The one who is thirsty, until he drinks.

The one who is studying, until he learns.

The one who is naked, until he gets dressed.

The one who does not work, until he is employed.

The one who falls in love, until he gets married.

The one who marries, until he lives.

The one who is a father, until he raises them.

The one who promised, until he fulfills.

The one who owes, until he pays.

The one who cries, until he shuts up.

And already with the very distant face of that smile, she completed: The one who already left me… until he finds him again… ”

A mother always sees in her son the sleeping hope that one day he will wake up. Her faith always sustains her. Mother is a mother, even if her son forgets about her. So it is and so it will be forever

I wanted to share it with you, because mothers are always there, for us, we move heaven and earth for our children.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't know the author but they are beautiful words very true


Once a mother was asked which was her favorite son, the one she loved the most. She, revealing a smile, replied: "Nothing is more fickle than a mother's heart, and, as a mother, I answer: the favorite son is the one to whom I dedicate myself body and soul:

He is my sick son, until he heals.

The one who left, until he returns.

The one who is tired, until he rests.

The one who is hungry, until he is fed.

The one who is thirsty, until he drinks.

The one who is studying, until he learns.

The one who is naked, until he gets dressed.

The one who does not work, until he is employed.

The one who falls in love, until he gets married.

The one who marries, until he lives.

The one who is a father, until he raises them.

The one who promised, until he fulfills.

The one who owes, until he pays.

The one who cries, until he shuts up.

And already with the very distant face of that smile, she completed: The one who already left me… until he finds him again… ”

A mother always sees in her son the sleeping hope that one day he will wake up. Her faith always sustains her. Mother is a mother, even if her son forgets about her. So it is and so it will be forever

I wanted to share it with you, because mothers are always there, for us, we move heaven and earth for our children.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The mothers in our life are a blessing. They give everything for us... God bless you

I'm so sorry about your brother..

But he has a mother

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  



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