What is right, what is difficult, and what is fantastic about Blurt platform and more?

in # blurtlatam •  2 years ago • 11 min read



The Blurt social media blockchain platform is an epitome of working on your dreams, plans, and goals with utmost freedom and peace of mind immune to negative actions from evil entities and any form of hindrances for your way up for your growth together with the like-minded people with the same aspirations like you have.

The Blurt platform's inception was at first spammed so heavily as if the spammer was close self-combusting with deep hatred that it made him or her or them glow at daylight and tried to make this emerging community not worthwhile. Yes it was one of the growing pains that we faced and later fixed by making spammers pay, so what we are seeing now is that if you want to post, you have to pay. The "pay for play" mechanism which our Blurt developers had done had made this Blurt platform almost spam-less with regards to posting like there is no more tomorrow. So I thank the Blurt developers in doing the best solution so that this platform will be more conducive for sharing what we have to offer with our own niche may it be from our personal stories, thoughts and ideas that we want to convey, talents that we can make people see, DIY, religion, politics and basically anything under the sun and even those that didn't happened.



Blurt's own way of kicking spam is effective enough with the use of paying for every transaction that you are making including spamming and as a result, cleaner blogging platform. 👍

Although some people are finding ways to "game" the Blurt platform, soon they will be discovered and their accounts put into the dungeon of invisibility. For that reason, one should think more than twice because this is a blockchain and everything can be traced which is why if an account is conniving with others, then they can be dealt with and their activity is given a fair friendly treatment of common sense. I can say that there should be no absolute freedom or else we will just turn-out to be a group of cowboys with guns which would lead into former cowboy gang member and in turn would target anyone as they please. Well, Blurt has a system of discouraging people in doing elicit activities and although some people here doesn't like it, in my opinion it is better to have somebody to clean the community rather than the shoplifters go without any repercussion, so I say, the Blurt authorities are doing it right after some further investigation to the matter before banging the gavel on the block.



Blurt has its own police force and fair judiciary system with a simple constitution to base their judgement from, the basic forum rules while at the same time allowing freedom of speech, religion, and anything you want to convey in the form of video and written blog, etc.

Back to some of the difficulties of using Blurt is caused by its immune system against spamming which is the "Pay for Play" mechanism. This is what is happening, a new user which is totally new or doesn't even know that social media blockchain technology exists will find it almost impossible to join because they have to acquire some Blurt tokens in the first place and to make it happen they have to go to a discord server which in the first place again doesn't know about discord too. But even if new clueless and would-be users of Blurt platform acquired some liquid BLURT then it will be so different of a scenario if a numerous wave of them coming in to the Blurt platform in my opinion would get strained for those that will share their liquid BLURT in order for all new users to get a kickstart with their new accounts. Also, considering that it is pretty hard in starting from zero in a new platform for blogging and much in anywhere else, if the new user can get the hang of it, they can also find success in this platform with the support of this platform's curators which in hindsight making it easy to use to use Blurt platform.



A total newbie can find it do difficult in joining the Blurt platform because of its own protection system against spam which is the pay to play as mentioned. However, in my own opinion if there is a will then there is a way considering that https://joinblurt.com/ is leading them the easy way until they are successfully onboarded.

In my conclusion, even though there is a factor of a difficult user experience with regards to joining Blurt for the first time, it will be worthwhile if the new users are determined to join this platform for their own interests and goals. The fantastic about blogging here aside from investing to curate, etc, is that we have curators that are more than willing to curate and support users. Almost no account is ignored and somewhat all will be able to gain some value from their written blogs. Accounts are given the chance to make it big or worth their while later because of the encouraging support of bigger accounts although some curators have some personal preferences but generally if you play it right in this platform, you can be assured of collecting and then sharing your dividends later. All what we need in this platform is cooperation in that regard. However, there are factors that are hindering the BLURT token to gain more value and that is to have more investors to further expedite onboarding of new users because we have to realize that if people would see that for every Blurt token that they would potentially gain is at least four times it worth as of this writing, it will be easier to gain more users and thus it will further increase the gears of Blurt economy in my opinion.



It is amazing thing to realize that we have curators in Blurt ecosystem which encourages its users to make and earn something for their blog posts with acceptable quality, those that have some simple use like games where people can join and earn some BLURT tokens in the process, posts that are done for engagement purposes to make Blurt more fun and rewarding and so because of that it motivates users to feel free to share what they have to offer from their own particular niche of interests because after all we are all free to blog in this platform almost anything except those that are highly illegal to post about.

Peace and quiet and friendly people is what Blurt platform is also known for. If you just observe it, there are no trash-talking, hatred, bigotry, dehumanizing comments, cyber-bullying, and all of that negative vibes that out of control in this platform. I am fairly sure that it has to with taking the downvote button off from the hands of all users. The downvote button what I would likened to giving every citizen a right to carry arms and use it for their aim to make others feel that they should not be messed with and attack people whom they want to control or just for the fun of it.



If not filtered completely, savage beast are made friendly by Blurt platform because evil entities are rendered toothless with their potential misuse and abuse to Blurt users which makes this platform enjoy the peace and quiet of just wanting to grow your account to a tangible success that all of us are pursuing from the platform.

This rather good situation where the weaponized downvote button has been taken off before the Blurt platform will be conceived had made a place like this blogging platform more conducive into being a cancel culture blogging environment with no more fear and threat anymore from someone or group of vicious users around visiting your post one day and downvoting your posts and encourages others to do the same all because of their own made-up impromptu reasons and rules powered by their egomania, natural hatred, and resentment caused by jealousy. I myself has a very bad experience about it out of jealousy because of the fact of my success which turned many people to resent about it and the only way from them to get rid of me is to throw stones and pray for my death y my own compatriots. That story is now a bitter memory already and I just have to turn right and let them be on their own turf, in the end all is well because I can't do anything for thigs beyond my control.



The BLURT token like any other cryptos out there will always be influenced into where the Bitcoin's price will be at and at least nudging the value of BLURT to increase like what happened before in my own opinion.

Now that Bitcoin itself is nearing its halving event, it will surely affected the prices of almost all cryptocurrencies which of course would include the value of BLURT tokens in a positive way. Happy are those that accumulated more within these past years where it seemed to be that BLURT's price had gone stable at around 1/4 of a cent. But the pump action triggered by Bitcoin will always fade away again and thus will lead to another cycle of bust for all cryptos. It is a normal occurrence in cryptocurrency world because of again, Bitcoin's almost predictable journey to the upside of its value. It takes four years time for every Bitcoin halving event and it is a long, long time for a wait but it is relatively much shorter compared to earning from a time deposit in a bank where inflation surely would somewhat make it not worthwhile to use that route in order for you to earn substantially compared to owning some Bitcoin because it has been proven already that owning Bitcoin is a sure-fire way of gaining more where you can only wait and do nothing but just holding all the way through your self appointed time or to the future pump action following another Bitcoin halving.



It only takes a relatively short amount of time for Bitcoin holders in particular to realize their dreams to get a big possibility to happen because of a seemingly scheduled boom of the price of Bitcoin while also giving them the opportunity to buy some back following another bust cycle and then to just HODL.

For my own personal plan, that is what I am doing right now, but the problem is that would I live longer to see that reality? But maybe I will for another four year after this one because I really can't wait until my patience pays off. It seems pointless to dream big for a person like me where I cannot really enjoy the dividends but it is much better than being penniless with no one ever will try to invest on me by helping me because of my hopeless situation in the events where I needed some money to patch my immediate needs. Now at least or should I say "At last!" I have something to make me and my parents feel secured because of an invisible digital asset that can act as my tool for helping myself without the outer help and pity from others. That is why I believe that God loves me because he always gives me the path where I can bail out whether it might be from a stronger inner-self, my capacity to discover things that would benefit me, or by an outright divine intervention because of what happened lately in my life and from the past. Whether I am lucky or not or just a recipient of God's mercy, I did worked on all of it, it is just that God blessed me while I am on it. Thanks be to God a million times for his unblurtable gifts!



Life is what you make it and it starts from just searching. Sometimes you get lucky, plus the blessings from God, then you will amount to something from which now I am very glad.


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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Congratulations! 🏆

You have recieved a coconutty upvote! 🥥
Thank you for contributing to the Blurt Blockchain!
Keep up the great work!

Curated by @outofthematrix!

A little reminder: I am a top 20 Blurt witness, sooo please help me stay there!

Please consider taking a moment to vote for my witness, if you haven't already done so!
You can do this by logging into your wallet with your active key! 🗳️
It only takes a few seconds and doesn't cost a cent!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Hi @cryptopie, great news! Your content was selected by curators @nalexadre, @ten-years-before to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.

You can support us by voting for our witness, our decentralized funding proposal, or through delegation. You're also welcome to join our Discord server 👉 https://discord.beblurt.com

*For a delegation of 45,000 BLURT 👉 https://beblurt.com/mydelegation/@beblurt

BeBlurt (Blurt frontend) 👉 https://beblurt.com
on IOS/Android 👉 https://beblurt.com/s/aMGBrg

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

goods post bro

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I understand most of what you are saying, just wanted you to know that your wording can be quite confusing. Like, I feel like the grammar police right now, and I apologize for that, but you should know that your article was not easy to read. 🤷

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I do have a bad grammar yes and sorry about that too, however, I had successfully conveyed my message to you as you said and that is what is important for me. I like your being perfectionist and that is a good trait. 👍

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The connection between BTC and BLURT in influencing the blurt price ,.
That is just a ,..

Blurt is a independent social blockchain where the value of the coin is based in the value of the created content . Any claimed rise and fall of the Blurt coin following the BTC fluctuations in prize over time is coincidental . 10 times zero is still zero to me ,. witch is very close to 0,0023 cent if one would ask me .

Just some info for the wannabe blurter to consider before getting involved .

There is no shortage in blurt coins ,. getting something that easy will never become of any greater value . No matter how many one might stake up for rewarding power ,. making the situation only worse , for true the rewards pool more and more inflation is created .

Do not stake to much ,.. trade your rewards for some profits to .


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Although some people are finding ways to "game" the Blurt platform
soon they will be discovered and their accounts put into the dungeon of invisibility
then they can be dealt with and their activity is given a fair friendly treatment of common sense.
I can say that there should be no absolute freedom
Blurt has a system of discouraging people in doing elicit activities
in my opinion it is better to have somebody to clean the community rather than the shoplifters go without any repercussion, so I say, the Blurt authorities are doing it right

Blurt has its own police force and fair judiciary system with a simple constitution to base their judgement from

That does not sound like a decentralized blogging platform holding up the right of free speech to me at all .
Please show me that simple constitution and tell us who is this police force claiming centralized control and judge a individuals free speech .
For whom ever those deluded figures are , i do not conform to there self claimed false authority and so monopoly on violence in the form of silencing a individuals right to speak free .

the shoplifters

And you are ? ,. going around holding a beggars staff all the time , playing poor , being a victim all of the time you post ?

I call hypocrite and weak authority loving beggar living his life in fear all the time .
Sucking up to the in his eyes strong in desperate need of there protection .

All good with me ,. you have the right to live that way and speak free about it .
I have no problems with you doing that .

I can say that there should be no absolute freedom

For you speaking free like that really gives me some interesting information about you ,. as in sad to see you have no clue about what freedom for all is at al .
Your freedom is always good you think , freedom of others must be controlled or even blocked you think . Now what does that makes you thinking like that ?

Keep smashing that mute button some more fool .


  <br /> <hr /> <center><sub>Posted from <a href="https://blurtlatam.intinte.org/blurtlatam/@cryptopie/what-is-right-what-is-difficult-and-what-is-fantastic-about-blurt-platform-and-more">https://blurtlatam.intinte.org</a></sub></center>
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A nice article that summarizes Blurt well, blurtblockchain is still a community that offers significant opportunities, those who take advantage of it will be rewarded for their patience with the bitcoin halving.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Bitcoin is the life blood of crypto price movements and we can just see it right now and the price history. BLURT will also follow BTC's path for a brief moment until the bull momentum dies again like what I said in the post and because of that we can get the chance for when to sell some and when to buy back too.

Blurt community is here to stay, it is just so many developers are staying out of it because of the repercussions that they would get from their peers and predecessors from thatsister chain dominated by entities that are known for shattering accounts into oblivion.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org