in # blurtlatam •  3 years ago • 2 min read

It doesn't give me a serene feeling when a good number of people have to think so much to answer this question, "how many people can you really call your friends?" I mean why don't everyone just scream a bunch of names? But we all have been in situations where we question who is true to us isn't it?

Who are your friends? It is very considerable to know who is genuinely happy for you when you tell them some good news, and they shout out to you saying, "oh yes! Congrats man. We go again to do even better next time. "
The one's I say to watch out for? Observe those who consider your speech only to point out and dwell on the number of times in your narration of an event how many times you were a badass coward and only want to talk about how much foolishness you displayed in your endeavour. And for them that's the only thing they want to talk about. Reconsider your friendships. Those are not the kind of people you want to be around. 60% of what we become as social beings is quite dependent on who we listen to and who listens to us. You deserve a reward of fantabulous association, not a bunch of serpentine predators.

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