After hearing reports of vicious bullying on Blurt, I had no choice but to put my old covid marshalls high viz jacket back on - and get bully hunting.
I think we can all agree that the 23,768 fines that I issued to pensioners who were walking around without masks, was a huge succes.
And taking the dinner money of pupils as they entering schools (unless muzzled), worked a treat in stopping a virus so elusive, it refused to show up under microscopes.
It was a crafty bugger, that covid - but armed with a few thick pads of fixed penalty fines, I was probably pivotal in stopping the deaths of over 567 million people.
It was with great reluctance that I eventually had to hang up my covid marshals high viz jacket, because pretty much all of the staunch followers of our benevolent governments instructions who'd gotten the jab, all seem to have died.
Corpses are shit payers of fines.
And the unjabbed refuse to pay any fines that I issued - no matter how much I threatened them, so there was no stream of income any longer.
And then I saw Blurt, and the fantastic team called @bullywatch.
After reading their posts, it was very obvious to me that there were some serious intellectual heavy weights involved in drafting up that masterpiece of logic, and critical thinking.
But it was also obvious that they needed help to fulfill their noble goals of stopping bullies in their tracks.
I'm sure they will eventually have an army of people who are just as clever as they, to roam the Blurt platform, crushing bullies everywhere- but until they get any followers, it's just me.
'Fighting the good fight' for them.
Already having some experience in this field, it seemed fitting that the high viz jacket came out of retirement, and after a bit of messing about with an indelible marker pen, Reg the Bully Liaison Marshal - or BLM - was born !
People used to think that I was bully, as I emptied old Dora's purse from no.76, of her pension money - but nothing could be further from the truth.
The less money that she had in her wallet, the less she needed to go wandering around the shops for food and things, while breathing willy-nilly of over the place.
By me emptying her purse, it ensured that she was stuck at home - which then made the rest of us much safer.
Theses very selfless, and self funding, acts - kept me motivated to keep going, even as people were, quite literally, dropping dead in the streets right in front of my eyes.
I had no fear !...
I went on about my marshaling duties, happily emptying up to 24 pensioners wallets per day, just to help keep them safe.
It was especially rewarding with pensioners.
By laying in wait outside the post offices after they'd collected their pensions - and because they had a lot trouble running away from a fast lad like myself - they found that by giving their pensions up, self isolating due to destitution, was the best option.
They knew it was for the greater good.
I've spent over 49 hours studying the @bullywatch literary masterpiece, so that I would armed with all the knowledge that I needed to enforce their rules.
I think the rules are a little too easygoing myself, and would much prefer castration over the freezing of accounts - but - being just the lowly Bully Liason Marshall myself, I'm eager to serve.
Who am I to question such great thinking from our caring overlords ?
I'm here to serve them with all the same enthusiasm as I served my government in killing covid off !
*any accusations of me killing 27,603 pensioners due to starvation is an ongoing case in the courts - and as such, I'm still innocent for now. any bullies out there - I'm watching you !
You can expect a flashing warning sign on any post that contravenes the rules laid down, and a ticket, both explaining how you contravened the rules, and what a total piece of shit you are for contravening them.
I'll be referring any user account directly into the foundation father accounts, or a witness, and point out where they broke the rules with their bullying.
I recommend castration for any such offences , but our benevolent foundation fathers - in their wisdom - might just let you off with an account freezing - if you're lucky !
Nobody like as a snitch !
(except me).
I love snitches - they make my job much easier.
If you come across any bullying behavior - according to the rules laid out by the fantastic @bullywatch team - please drop me a line with the bullying offence and account name .
I'll be over like a shot ! slap a flashing neon sign on their post or comment and to let others know that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated !_
I'll post every time I come across any bullying, with the details of the account, to shame them for the low life's they must be to do such things.
This will help to to keep everyone abreast of the ongoing situation.
No stone will be left upturned !
This very worthy cause is being done my myself - on a 100% voluntary basis.
I'm sure @bullywatch and the foundation fathers will reward me once they see my ongoing endeavors to keep Blurt a bully free space !
In the meantime, any up votes and donations to keep me in my supplies of tins of sardines, would be greatly appreciated.
....Let's do this !
Report all Bullying activity to - or - to the abuse channel
I feel so safe now thanx to the penguin. Thankyou...............I think
Thanks for making the price of Blurt go up, you should be in government
It won't be long when we are all guilty of "ETC". 😀
Nah, the ETC referred to them. . .not us.
If "ETC" is the acronym to "ending thinking capacity", I am still not wrong in saying we would all be guilty of "etc". Why? Because how can one think whem one is already dead?
Yes. All of us.
My grandmother is 6 feet under and she is no different in the capacity to think as any authoritarian.
🤣🤣 bringing back memories of those COVID marshals trying to chase and fine a jogger out for a morning run.
LoL , i "loved" those who were so proud of being fucking covid marshalls. . .wonder why my mother never became one 😅😂🤣 (or she did, just never admited to me)
Friend of mine (actually yours too) was mediatating in the park, and was told off by them, showing bad example, lol 😅😂🤣
lol really!? I never met one actually, they only exist in folklore and legend to me
I tried to find it but can't now where this covid marshal was having an argument with a jogger in the docklands was hilarious.