Juniper - home use, tincture of juniper with habanero

in # blurtlife •  9 days ago • 3 min read

Juniper (Junipers)
Junipers are among the most popular representatives of conifers on Earth, next to pines. They grow in the temperate and subpolar climatic zone on all continents of the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in the mountains of the tropical zone. It is a variety of conifers belonging to the cypress family. It counts (depending on the source) about 71 species. In Poland, in natural conditions, we can observe 2 species - common juniper and Saban. Many species and their varieties are grown as ornamental plants.


Juniper berries mature 2 years. In the first year, they are green, eventually light blue or slightly purple, in the second year, they turn blue when ripe. Therefore, two-year-old fruit, green - young and blue - ripe, grow on the bush simultaneously.



Does juniper have healing properties?
Yes - juniper berry preparations used internally have a diuretic, bactericidal and disinfecting effect, stimulate bile secretion and facilitate digestion. They help with liver failure, digestive disorders, inflammation of the urinary tract, excessive intestinal fermentation. However, outside - in the form of infusions and compresses - they are used in neuralgia, rheumatism and inflammation of the nerve roots.

What can we use juniper fruit for?
Juniper is a valuable spice, in Old Polish cuisine it was particularly important - it was used for hard-to-digest, fatty dishes, e.g. meat dishes, including venison, cabbage dishes, peas, beans, sauces and marinades.


Other uses?
Aromatic juniper twigs were used to smoke meats, cold cuts and fruit.
Juniper roots, on the other hand, were and are used to produce everyday products, such as baskets, cradles, trays, etc. Once produced for use in everyday life, today more for decoration.

Well, to the point, home what really are juniper fruits: D?
The popular alcohol called Gin is produced on the basis of juniper. It is a mash distillate that ferments with the addition of juniper fruit. In Poland, on the other hand, juniper was very popular at one time, i.e. juniper fruit tincture. In my opinion, it is definitely better than the Gin available in stores, which smells of chemicals, artificial flavors, and instead of relaxing it causes hallucinations - e.g. the mirage of the chemical plant.
I enriched my tincture with Habanero pepper, which I brought from the Caribbean and started growing it on my balcony garden.


  1. red or orange Habanero pepper - 1 pc.
  2. pure vodka (40%) 0.5 l
  3. cane syrup (also from Martinique) or natural honey - 50 ml
  4. a few tablespoons of whole juniper or a tablespoon of crushed fruit
  5. a little lime or lemon zest








We mix the ingredients and leave them in the bottle or carafe for 2-3 weeks. This tincture is of the "for the brave" species and is best consumed with the assistance of a cardiologist and fire brigade.


Enjoy your meal ;)

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