Carnival anecdote: to run, the Devil is coming😈😈😈 [ENG-ESP]

in # blurtlife •  3 years ago • 7 min read
In this opportunity I want to share with you carnival anecdotes that every year when I was a child and even when I grew up happened to me. Fear that even after being old I have not been able to overcome, although the character passed away in the year 2021. Because this character did put everyone on the run hahahahaha
En esta oportunidad quiero compartir con ustedes anécdotas de carnaval que todos los años cuando era niña y aun de grande me sucedía. Miedo que aun después de vieja no he podido vencer, aunque el personaje falleció el año 2021. Porque este personaje si ponía a todo el mundo a correr jajajajaja.


In my city of Cumana, where I was born and have lived all my life, there was a character that was part of the culture of my city. This character called "the Devil of Cumana", became famous for many decades. And he used to walk around the city during carnival times and in some celebrations alluding to my city. This popular man "the Devil of Cumaná" was called Luis Hurtado. He was a part of the popular cultors of my city.
En mi ciudad de Cumana donde nací y he vivido durante toda mi vida, existió un personaje que formó parte de la cultura de mi ciudad. Este personaje llamado "el Diablo de Cumaná", se hizo famoso durante muchas décadas. Y se paseaba por toda la ciudad en épocas de carnaval y en alguna celebración alusiva a mi ciudad. Este popular hombre "el Diablo de Cumaná" se llamaba Luis Hurtado. Formó parte de los cultores populares de mi ciudad.

The detail was that when this man went out on the streets of my city, he was disguised as a devil, his body dyed black, some fangs in his nose, his mouth red as if he was spurting blood and a dagger that he would throw at those who passed by on the street. He always wore a peculiar costume that characterized him and scared the hell out of me hahahahahahahahaha, I'm doing this post and it's scaring me hahahahahaha.
El detalle era que cuando este hombre salía por las calles de mi ciudad, iba disfrazado de diablo su cuerpo teñido de negro, unos colmillos en su nariz, la boca roja como si botaba sangre y una daga que se las lanzaba a los que transitaban por la calle. Siempre llevaba una peculiar vestimenta que lo caracterizaba y de paso asustaba muchísimo jajajajajajajaja, estoy haciendo este post y me causa miedo jajajaja.

Every time I went to enjoy the parade of the comparsas and floats, I had a very bad time when this man appeared in that outfit. I could not find where to get in and he knew that the children were the ones who were afraid of him. They would run away terrified hahahahahahahahaha. This situation happened years after years, even as an adult.
Cada vez que iba a disfrutar del desfile de las comparsas y carrozas, la pasaba muy mal cuando aparecia este hombre con esa vestimenta. No encontraba donde meterme y él sabía que los niños eran los que le tenían miedo. Salían corriendo despavoridos jajajajaajaja. Esta situación pasaba años tras años hasta aún de adulta.


I remember that once I dressed up as an Indian and I was very happy, I felt happy and my aunt took me to see the comparsas. We were near the stage where they were going to present the queen of the carnival, when suddenly appeared "the Devil of Cumana" and when they started to run I let go of my aunt's hand and I got under the stage hahahahahahaha, that was the option I had at that moment. I put myself in a corner and started crying. And I didn't come out of where I was hiding, until I heard from the person who animated the event that there was a missing 11 year old girl named Mariela and her aunt was desperately looking for her, she was disguised as an Indian, please, whoever manages to find her, bring her to the stage.
Recuerdo que una vez me disfrace de india y estaba muy contenta, me sentía feliz y mi tía me llevó a ver las comparsas. Estábamos cerca de la tarima donde iban a presentar la reina del carnaval, cuando de pronto apareció "el Diablo de Cumaná" y cuando empezaron a correr me solté de la mano de mi tia y me metí debajo de la tarima jajajajajaja, esa fue la opción que tuve en ese momento. Me coloque en un rincón y me puse a llorar. Y no salía de donde estaba escondida, hasta que escuche al que anima el evento que había una niña de 11 años perdida llamada Mariela y su tía estaba desesperada buscándola, está disfrazada de india, por favor el que la logre encontrar traerla al escenario.

When I heard that they were looking for me, I looked around to see if the little devil wasn't in that area. Until I managed to get out and went up to the stage and talked to the announcer and crying I told him that I was very afraid, my aunt was sitting on a chair waiting for me to appear. When I saw my aunt I hugged her, she didn't scold me, she just told me that this little devil is not going to do anything to me, he is just scaring the children. My Indian make up squirted and my face was like a carnival hahahahahaha. I asked my aunt that we should go back home, that I didn't want to see the comparsas, the floats and even less the queen because the Devil of Cumaná was going to be on stage. My aunt obliged and we went home. That night I had many nightmares, I felt that the devil was chasing me with a dagger and was taking my blood.
Cuando escuche que me estaban buscando me fui asomando para ver si el diablito no estaba por esa área. Hasta que logre salir y subí a la tarima y hable con el locutor y llorando le conté que tenía mucho miedo, mi tía estaba sentada en una silla esperando a que apareciera. Cuando vi a mi tia la abrace, no me regaño, solo me dijo que ese diablito no me va hacer nada solo es asustar a los niños. El maquillaje de india se me chorrio y tenía el rostro como un carnaval jajajajaja. Le pedí a mi tía que regresaramos a casa, que no quería ver las comparsas, las carrozas y menos la reina porque "el Diablo de Cumaná" iba a estar en el escenario. Mi tia me complacio y nos vinimos a la casa. Esa noche tuve muchas pesadillas sentía que el diablo me perseguía con la daga y me sacaba sangre.

This historical character caused a great furor in the population of Cumaná, whoever was born and lived in the city of Cumaná during the time of the "Diablo de Cumaná" has anecdotes to tell that surely made them run hahahahahahahaha. Because adults and children were running, hahahahahahaha. It remained in my memory and is always present this popular cultor of my city but I remember it with great fear hahahahahahaha.
Este personaje histórico causó gran furor en la población cumanesa, el que haya nacido y vivido en la ciudad de Cumaná durante la época del "Diablo de Cumaná" tienen anécdotas que contar de seguro los hizo correr jajajajajaja. Porque corrían personas adultas y niños jajajajaja. Quedó en mi recuerdo y siempre está presente este cultor popular de mi ciudad pero lo recuerdo con mucho miedo jajajajaja.



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