#blurtmusic - October Challenge 30.10.2020 - "Coldplay - Yellow"

in # blurtmusic •  4 years ago • 1 min read


Anbei meine Auswahl für den Song Contest #blurtmusic Oktober Song-a-Day Challenge.
Die Themen für Oktober sind: Herbst, Ernte, Halloween, Spuk, Erntedankfest, Oktoberfest, Kostüme, Maskerade, gruselige Film-Soundtracks, Weinherstellung.

Coldplay - Yellow

"Yellow “ ist ein Lied von der britischen Rockband Coldplay. Die Band schrieb den Song und produzierte ihn gemeinsam mit dem britischen Plattenproduzenten Ken Nelson. Das Lied war auf Ihren ersten Album Parachutes (2000).

Viel Spass beim hören.

Your Querdenker


Song contest

Enclosed my selection for the SongContest #blurtmusic October Song-a-Day Challenge.
The topics for October are: Autumn, harvest, Halloween, spook, harvest festival, costumes, masquerade, creepy movie soundtracks, wine making.

Coldplay - Yellow

"Yellow" is a song by the British rock band Coldplay. The band wrote the song and produced it together with the British record producer Ken Nelson. The song was on their first album Parachutes (2000).

Have fun while listening.

Greetings Querdenker

Translated with www.deepL.com (free version)

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