Don't whine about the feeling, not when you consented to it...

in # blurtnews •  2 years ago • 4 min read

'No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent'

Eleanor Roosevelt


This is presupposing that we are all rational, thinking, emotionally secure, grown ups of course.

So by that presupposition, it;'s fair to think that if you can be made to feel inferior without your consent - You are neither rational, thinking, or emotionally secure.

So if we get upset by someone’s statements - we have not necessarily chosen to be upset, be we HAVE chosen to read their words or hear them speak.

Shrugging off other people’s insults and not having 'hurty fweels' is a learned skill.

It is NOT an academic exercise - it's a life skill developed from real life experiences - from childhood, through adolescence and into adulthood - in theory, anyways.

“Erm, Okay, your're mocking me, or saying things that 'hurt my fweel fweels", and then disregarding it, or inspecting what has been expressed (or, even being self reflective and saying, '...ah, yeah, I see what you mean, THANKS!') a process that takes years, and only then if you have been exposed to that kind of situation many times.

It requires a healthy ego.
A well developed sense of self.

So expecting everyone to have that skill in a adult world, is expected.
Until the molly coddled generations of today arrived, that is (weak ego formation).
It seems to the adults in the room that their very raison, d'etre - is to be offended.

It’s a vital skill that everyone needs to cultivate.

Because if you don't, you're gonna look like a completely childish moron.
It is not an academic exercise.

They are the very same people who can be emotionally manipulated and, if done with nefarious intent, can cause mental health issues.
You can GIVE people the keys of your mind, simply by being false around an authentic individual...

Unrecognized 'guilt' or 'shame' issues in the psyche (un reconciled, unconscious thoughts) can make you like a puppet to the those people who understand such things.
Advertising, anyone?

“Nobody can make you feel bad…” is a philosophical, psychological, and intellectual truism.

But, if someone 'touches your unconscious' via words or images - and then you feel inferior, offended, upset - it is upto the child in the adults body, to sort their fucking shit out.

To NOT to be gentle with such psychological weaklings, is tough love.

Some people loathe me - why?
On the blockchain its all very transparent to see just who the infantile psychologies belong to.
I'll avoid mention accounts as it's very easy for you to spot the children pretending to be grown ups.
They’ve never met me – and I’m still posting my opinions.

I understand how nobody can make me feel bad without my permission.

Some pretend adults get butthurt incredibly easily.
There’s a point at which you have to make the decision that this pretend adults perspectives of the world, is just laughable.
Not from malice or anything negative, but from a place of acceptance.

Accepting that some people - no matter how old they are in years - are in danger of being 'permanent children' - who seem determined to stay that way and not grow - puts them into self created pit of misery and confusion.

THEY have a responsibility to grow up - yet turn away from it.

Digging for weak spots in discussions....

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...or mocking to make a point that would hopefully lead to acquiring more knowledge , is an opportunity to the adult that's listening...

... but this doesn't happen in the childlike, 'pretend adults' world.
It's a world with the uber fragile ego's, and seen in so many of today's so called 'grown ups'.
If such infants, in adult bodies, didn't affect the rest of us it would be no problem.
But they do.
And it is.

A big one.

Fix accordingly.
Be the adult.

Love is The Law.......not your fweel fweels

egyptian heirogluyphs - Copy.jpg

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lol....Are you taking sneaky pics of some large stakeholders, now ?

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