My blurt Diary 0.3: It takes FAITH

in # blurtpilipinas •  3 years ago • 5 min read

Dear Blurt,
This is another time that i wrote a reflection while staying at home.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 NIV
Faith is intense belief. Faith is strong conviction in what you believe. Strong FAITH can move mountains. Faith is the greatest miracle-working power in the world. Faith never ails a person. You fail when you give up on your faith.


FAITH hurls obstacles aside. It overrides the so-called impossible. It removes fear. The answer to all your struggles, to all your defeats, and to all your hopes as well, is faith-wholehearted, all-out enthusiastic faith.


Faith in oneself is the foundation of all SUCCESS.
You live in faith. Faith is that factor which gives the impetus of conviction to a though and this impresses the thought upon the subconscious mind as premise or conclusion which must be manifested in the physical world. Faith is the affirmation. What you forward as conviction to the subconscious mind, the subconscious mind returns it to you in the physical reality. If your subconscious mind receives your conviction that you are successful, you will be successful.

THINK and BELIEVE you are capable of being successful. BELIEVE BIG. The size of your success is determined by the size of your FAITH. THINK BIG achievements and back them with BIG FAITH. If you have FAITH, nothing shalle be impossible for you.

Have faith in yourself, in your plans, in your actions and in God. All successful people have tremendous faith both in themselves and in their plans. Unless you believe in your plan, no matter how big it is, you will not know how to use your energy. If you do not completely and honestly believe in what you are about to do, do not go ahead, otherwise you will fail. The power of faith leads you straight to success.


LOVE is power!

There are three kinds of love, namely 1 . self-love 2 . love of others and 3 . universal love; love for all mankind, which is the rarest type of love. Only very few people ever rise to this level of personal development. Love means placing the highest value on everything and everyone. Real love has five qualities, namely:

  • It is patient and kind
  • never boastful, proud or envious
  • It is not rude or self-seeking
  • it does not keep a record or wrong
  • it is never happy to see evil triumph but always rejoices when truth prevails
  • it protects, trust, hopes and perseveres

The golden rule of your acknowledgement: Love is a moving target. It does not need to be perfect- love already is. It is the acknowledgement of love that makes it blossom and grow. The acknowledgement of yourself and others as valuable and worthwhile people, growing together through the experience that loves creates.


Love is building relationship with others.
Share your love with generosity. Always consider every encounter with others as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to go to the next lever of love.

strengthens the true bonds of friendship . Prepare an action plan for effective relationship with others. Love only grows by sharing, and the only way you can have more love for yourself is by giving it away. The more you give away, the more you have. Love is not just something you feel, but it is something that you do. For example: love of the person you wish to become, love or everybody in your family, love for your neighbors and love for your community people.

And if you are in business, love for your employees, love for your customers, love for your suppliers, love for your competitors. The law of the universe is the law of love. Wealth and success are meaningless without love within your family and society.

Everything depends upon love. According to the degree of love you have for yourself and for others;

you have peace in your mind you have networks of contacts and loving relationships with others you will set high, challenging and worthwhile goals and ideals to strive towards you solve all your life’s problems

10 ways to deepen your love for others

1 . Make yourself likable
2 . Always remember people’s names
3 . Express appreciation for what other people do
4 . Be lavish with your praise
5 . Listen attentively to other people’s voice, words, body language and actions
6 . Let the other person’s interest be the topic of conversation
7 . Do not criticize
8 . Make the other person feel important
9 . Always believe that there is a way to achieve results
10 . Always cultivate loving thoughts about others.

About the Author

I'm @aaristotle. I love reading books. My favorite sport is basketball. Travelling is my passion. My happiness is you and i will become friend.

P.S Take care

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