Another Lovely Day

in # blurtpilipinas •  2 years ago (edited)• 8 min read

Good day, guys!

This is how my day started, I actually slept early and I woke up an hour before my alarm. But I still continued sleeping. Now that it’s summer, the A/C which is literally in front of me(I stay on top of a bunk bed) has to have a low temperature so the room will be cool for my other roommates. Because of this, I wake up sometimes with the cold and I actually am using 2 blankets right now. Every morning, I have to force myself to get up and get ready for work and fight the temptation of not getting up.


I got ready and walked to the bus stop, I noticed that the sun wasn’t shining as bright today, and it was cloudy which is odd. I thought that it wouldn’t still be hot because of all the clouds, but it was still hot. I then got on the bus and sat down. Something that irked me about the bus ride this morning was the driver, I think he’s new because he was trying to let all the taxis go out of one of the bus stops, wherein he could move beside them because there’s a lot of space. It took like 10 minutes for him to let them out because he was arguing with him. I’m glad that I left early because I’d get so pissed for the stupid delay. Though when we got to the metro we were still delayed. I then took the train going to the next metro and took the bus going to work.

I reached work and was greeted by one of the receptionists. I then went to my room and checked if I had any patients. I didn’t have any patients so I was just finishing some of my notes. I was waiting for my 9:45 patient, the receptionist called him and he stated that he will be late for 5 minutes. I then stayed in the reception area downstairs. And I saw how it could get so hectic being alone in the reception area because she had to welcome all the patients coming in, answer phone calls, schedule a patient, and speak with the doctor at the same time. I wouldn’t be able to handle that pressure. My patient came after 20 minutes so we only had a few minutes during treatment. Though, I really look up to this guy because he built many buildings here in the Middle East. He also built a lot of Mosques, Churches, and Malls. He designed the Mall of the Emirates, which is the mall that I usually go to.

My second patient was my patient from last year, to be honest, I don’t remember him as much because I treat a lot of patients, but he remembers me. So we were just catching up and we were talking about games. He had a steam deck with him and he let me hold it and he was telling me to get one already. It just felt so convenient because I have some Steam games also. But I’m scared that I might get too addicted to gaming again. He was showing me that he put emulators and his partner was even playing Crash Bandicoot, the PS1 version. My next patient was my patient last week and she told me that she feels a lot better already from our last treatment. We were just speaking about her and, wherein she will be working at home for 2 weeks and then go back to the office after another 2 weeks.


The next patient was a new patient, it was my first time treating him. I thought I treated him before but I didn't. We were just speaking about life. He told me that he has been an OFW since 2005 and was able to experience working in most Middle Eastern Countries. He told me that the UAE is the best. I was surprised that he used to stay also in Canada, he ad the choice to move there because his parents were there but he didn't like the difficulty that they were facing because they had to work 2 jobs and work part-time. I'm truly surprised to hear something like this because most of my other patients were encouraging me to move to a place with Citizenship. He was also telling me why he left the Philippines, imagine working for a company for 10 years and the people below you, who you trained were being promoted because of their connections. And even after their promotion, they were still asking his advice. It was just so sad to hear about this stuff.

The next patient was just endorsed to me and I had to just put electro on her. She was with her boyfriend and I was telling her that she should try and exercise. The funny thing was that the boyfriend was telling me signs that she was lazy, but I was just motivating her. Hopefully, she'll listen and work out soon.

After a few minutes, my next patient came. She told me that her neck feels better. She was comparing our physiotherapy service compared to the last place she had it. She said that there's a huge difference when it comes to treatment because her past clinic just used machines on her and taught her exercise and the therapist used to handle 2-3 more patients. Unlike where we work, we treat them one on one for 45 minutes. I'm just glad that she feels better. She's about to go home to the Philippines next week and told me that she'll continue her treatment after. After treating her, I had one more patient before lunch. He was a bit late, and he complained of pain in his ankles after playing basketball. He told me that he was also going home to his home country to train people, and his partner looked really disappointed, showing him that she's gonna miss him. We were just talking about the playoffs, he said that he was a Clipper fan, but they were not able to make it. After treating him, I was just there in my room and was busy typing all my notes before eating lunch.


I then ate lunch and spoke with some of my colleagues. at this pathway, I was able to take a photo of a cat, and it was making me miss my cat back home. I then went upstairs and waited for my next patient. As soon as he arrived he told me that he only had 25 minutes because he had a meeting at 5 pm. So I treated him til 4:55 and wished him safe travels because, he was going to Saudi Arabia, though this patient of mine travels there every week there just to work and comes back to Dubai.


I was waiting for my last patent and while waiting, I was speaking with my other colleagues. My last patient came and I'm glad that she was able to get a slot because I'm usually full. We were just speaking about the problems of kids these days where they don't see the importance of school because they just want to become social media influencers. After treating her, there were no doctors already so me and my other colleagues left our work 15 minutes early just to take the bus. When I got on the bus, I was shocked that my instructor from college was there, though he was speaking with a colleague. After the bus ride, I was speaking with my instructor and was just catching up because I haven't seen him for a long time. we also rode the same train but it was cut short because I had to go down to my stop. I went down to the Mall of the Emirates and checked the grocery on things that I could buy, I ended up getting some sweets.


After that, I ate dinner in a place near the mall, I was craving shawarma so I tried it. My problem was that I was outside and I could feel the heat. When I ate the shawarma, there was a bit of spice in it that made me sweat. I then went to another grocery after eating and bought some more frozen food for the next few days. Then I went to the bus stop to go home. Thankfully I didn't have to wait as long and there was a chair available. I then got home at around past 9 and I was just using my laptop.

I'm really glad that today wasn't as busy compared to my last Sunday. May you guys have a great week ahead!


Thanks for reading stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me.



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