Para consentir a mi mami. - To pamper my mom.

in # blurtpower •  3 years ago • 2 min read

Hi, blurt.

My mom has had back pain again. She can't do many things, she was fine but on Friday she bought the food and then she had the pain again. While my dad is at work I massage her with a mint cream to ease the pain.

Mi mamá otra vez ha tenido el dolor de la espalda. No puede hacer muchas cosas, ella estaba bien pero el viernes compró la comida y luego tenía el dolor otra vez. Mientras mi papá está en el trabajo le doy masajes con una crema mentolada para que se le alivie el dolor.

On Saturday so she wouldn't cook, I told her I would make pancakes, but then it occurred to me to make my mom something special, I grabbed the cookie cutters and made her heart-shaped pancakes, she was happy.

el sábado para que ella no cocinara, le dije que haría panquecas, pero luego se me ocurrió hacerle a mi mamá algo especial, agarré los moldes de galleta y le hice las panquecas en forma de corazón, ella se alegró.


I put some cheese on them and also made an orange juice.

Les puse un poco de queso y también le hice un jugo de naranja.


And if you want to make them, I recommend that you don't make them so fat because they are a little raw inside.

y si ustedes desean hacerlas les recomiendo que no las hagan tan gordas porque quedan un poco crudas por dentro.


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Oh, sorry to hear your mother's pain is back. I wish her a speedy recovery.

But it's also nice to see how warmly you care for her. That is really great.

All the best for you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you, I want my mom to heal fast.

Me ha hecho sonreír ver lo mucho que quieres a tu madre y has querido hacer algo por ella sabiendo que no se encontraba bien. Eres una buena hija. Gracias por compartirlo.

Y sí, más grueso hace que sea difícil de cocinar el medio sin quemar el exterior. Lo sé por mala experiencia, lol.

It made me smile seeing how much you love your mom and wanted to do something for her knowing she wasn't feeling well. You're a good daughter. Thank you for sharing.

And yes, thicker makes it hard to cook the middle without burning the outside. I know this from bad experience myself, lol.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My mom's were a little raw, then I made some skinnier ones.

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