Hello everyone. When we are children we invent so many things that later remain as anecdotes. When I started moving I didn't want to see myself without teeth and a friend told me to look for the silver paper that comes with the cigarette box and put it on your teeth and you will look better and you won't notice that you are toothless hahahahahahaha.
Hola a todos. Cuando somos niños inventamos tantas cosas que luego quedan como anécdotas. Cuando comencé a mudar no quería verme sin dientes y una amiga me dijo buscate el papel plateado que trae la caja de cigarro y te lo pones en la dentadura y te veras mejor no se notara que estas esdientada jajajajajaja.

That recommendation from my friend stayed in my memory and I planned to go out with some friends to look for the silver paper that comes with the cigarette box hahahaha. My friends also wanted to try it on so they wouldn't look so ugly. Even the guys got together to go out to look for, or else ask someone to smoke cigarettes hahahahahahaha
Esa recomendación de mi amiga me quedo en mi memoria y planifique que saldría junto con unas amigas a buscar el papel plateado que trae la caja de cigarrillos jajajaja. Mis amigas tambien se querían probar para no verse tan feas osea esdientadas. Hasta los varones se unieron para salir a buscar, o sino pedir a alguien que fumara cigarrillos jajajajaja
One day we went out to play and we were pending that in the afternoon we would go out to look for the famous silver papers. We started with the search and collected quite a few silver papers hahahaha. We sat under a tree and started to cover our teeth with the silver paper hahahahahaha we looked great we were no longer toothed hahahahahaha. Every day in the afternoon when we went out to play that silver paper on our teeth could not miss. After we put it on, we started to play and we looked the funniest, hahahahahahaha.
Un día salimos a jugar y estábamos pendiente que en la tarde saldríamos a buscar los famosos papeles plateados. Comenzamos con la búsqueda y recolectamos bastantes papeles plateados jajajaja. Nos sentamos debajo de un árbol y comenzamos a cubrir nuestra dentadura con el papel plateado jajajajaja nos veiamos geniales ya no estábamos esdientadas(os) jajajajaja. Todos los días en las horas de la tarde cuando salíamos a jugar ese papel plateado en nuestra dentadura no podía faltar. Después que lo colocábamos comenzábamos a jugar nos veiamos de lo más cómico jajajajaja.

As usual when I got home I had several silver papers and always before going to sleep I would put them on and then remove them from my teeth. One day before going to bed I decided to put on the paper to see myself in the mirror to see how I looked. I liked my appearance so much that I left it on for longer, I went to bed with the paper on, sleep overcame me, and the next day when I woke up my mouth was swollen and the paper caused me a terrible allergy. I ran out to show my mother and she immediately took me to the doctor. The doctor scolded me that you can't play with that paper and if you don't wash it and remove the nicotine it is harmful. See all that the use of that paper has caused you and I answered him: -Doctor, I felt so pretty that I liked to look like that. I promise I won't do it anymore. The doctor indicated treatment and not to play with that paper anymore.
Como de costumbre al llegar a casa tenía varios papeles plateados y siempre antes de dormir me los colocaba y luego los retiraba de mi dentadura. Un dia antes de acostarme se me ocurre ponerme el papel para verme en el espejo a ver como lucia. Me gusto tanto mi apariencia que lo deje por más tiempo puesto, me acosté con el papel puesto, el sueño me venció, y al otro día al despertar tenía la boca hinchada el papel me causó una alergia terrible. Salí corriendo a enseñarle a mi mamá y enseguida me llevó al médico El médico me regaño que con ese papel no se juega y sino lo lavamos y quitamos la nicotina es perjudicial. Ve todo lo que te ha ocasionado el uso de ese papel y le respondí: -doctor me sentía tan bonita que me gustaba verme así. Le prometo que no lo haré más. El médico indicó tratamiento y no jugar más con ese papel.
When I got home my mother scolded me and explained to me the risk I was taking by wearing that silver paper. My friends came to visit me and told my mother that I had been the one who had the idea of putting the paper on my teeth so as not to show our missing teeth. That day helped me to understand that I shouldn't do that because the nicotine that was impregnated in the paper and I couldn't see it was toxic. During those days that I used the silver paper on my teeth I had a lot of fun hahahahahaha and I always remember that anecdote hahahahaha. Thank God it didn't have any major consequences. It was just kid stuff hahahahaha.
Al llegar a casa mi madre me regaño y me explicó el riesgo que corría usando ese papel plateado. Mis amigos llegaron a visitarme y le contaron a mi madre que yo había sido la de la idea de colocar ese papel en la dentadura para no mostrar los dientes que nos faltaban. Ese día me sirvio para entender que no debía hacer eso porque la nicotina que estaba impregnada en el papel y no la veia me hacia daño era tóxica. Durante esos días que use el papel plateado en mi dentadura me divertí muchisimo jajajajaja y siempre recuerdo esa anécdota jajajaja. Gracias a Dios no paso a mayores consecuencias. Eran cosas de niños jajajaja.
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