Once upon a time Independence Day was celebrated by me and my friends.

in # blurtstory •  4 years ago • 2 min read


Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all?I hope you are well, I am also well with your prayers.I will present to you today what we did on the day of Independence Day celebrations.The day was March 26, 2017.Independence Day is celebrated in our village secondary school like every year.My friends and I come to my village for a few days to celebrate this day.We celebrate the day with great pomp.On that day, the children of SSC batch had a picnic on the school grounds.
The people you see in this picture are my friends.We stood on one side of the school premises in our village and took pictures.
And our cooking was going on next to the place where we had set up the place for cooking.We brought samiyana and made separate houses with bamboo.All day we brought a big sound box to listen to music.In addition to playing songs, we were cooking.IMG_20190326_161928.jpg
After finishing some cooking we were here to take pictures again.People from different villages came to see how Independence Day is celebrated here.There was a car garage on one side of the school.After staying for a while we went to our kitchen.Who we see then the cooking work is almost complete.After the cooking was over, we prepared to eat.Then we all finished eating together.After eating and drinking, we left for our school premises to watch the cultural program.
When we were out to watch a cultural event on the school grounds, my friend wanted to take a selfie with me again.After taking a selfie, we went to the cultural event.March 26 is celebrated here in grand style.March 26 is celebrated here in grand style.They were lined up in the middle of the field.The boys' long jump and high jump competitions were held at around 10 in the morning.Then in the same way the girls are made to do long jump high jump and race competitions.

First, second and third are selected through this competition.Prizes are then distributed.And now that the cultural event is going on through this competition and prizes will be distributed.Everything we were enjoying was beautiful.Finally, I would like to say that we had a good day.And the people of the village enjoy this day in a beautiful way.Thank you everyone stay well stay healthy and keep everyone well.

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