I have been so busy that I couldn't make out time to post here about my progress with my Dev journey. Now I am officially done with JavaScript and would be starting PHP tomorrow.
I know that learning is a continuous process and no one ever finishes learning. I can now built a complete logic and execute it.
I am supper happy about the progress.
The above picture is the JS document for a project I built.
Fully functional and I am happy.
I am happy I have been able to push thus far. I am now done with front end.
I will be learning a lot more languages subsequently including, NodeJS React and also Go.
Thanks to @saboin. He never stops guiding me.
You can bring in jobs now lolz
@megadrive I am ready now. let me handle any front ..
You will be amazed.
Thanks to @bestkizito and to everyone who has stood by me during these trying moments.
I will defer to @saboin to contact you for any specific dev support we might require.
I'm sure @saboin will definitely do that...
Thank you very much. I'm always handle and ready. I will be waiting to hear from you both then
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