The Igbo Tribe of Nigeria

in # blurttribe •  3 years ago • 6 min read

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He who forgets or denies his Identity is lost and his existence damned, in Igbo we will say 'O bu onye efulefu' (a lost person). One of the most destructive interaction in Africa was the coming of the white man. In other to colonise and subdue the African people, they sowed inferiority by attacking the identity of Africans, the essence of their being. The Igbo race is not left out on this and that is why I have chosen to write about the Igbo tribe. So I will be enlightening my readers on who the Igbo people are. I am an Igbo Man so it is first hand knowledge.

Kedu ndi bu ndi Igbo(Who are the Igbo People)?

this is a question that must be broken down into various segments for better understanding. To know who the Igbo people are we must know:

Kedu ebe ha si (Origin):

There are lots of accounts, stories, myths and legends about where the Igbo People come from. I will be giving a detailed account of just two of so many accounts. The first is that the Igbo race is a missing tribe from the twelve tribes of Israel The Tribe Of Gad who had long escaped from Egypt even before the mass Exodus. It is believed that the father of the Igbo tribe is Eri the Son of Gad , He arrived at Omanbala River present day Anambra an Igbo state located in the South East Of Nigeria.

The book of Genesis 46 verse 16 made mention the tribe of Gad which is among the twelve tribes of Israel. Gad was the son of Jacob
In the kingdom of Eri , Anambra state, excavation has led to the finding of a house in wish a hebrew inscription was discovered 'The house of Gad' believed to be built by the sons of Gad, Eri , Arodi, and Areli. The Star of David and other jewish related symbols were found as well.

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The second narration is a myth that Chukwu(God) sent down Eri from heaven, He settled at the Omanbala River(present day Anambra State)where he married a wife called Ada and created the Igbo state.

Kedu Ife ha yiri(What do they look like):

The Igbo's are predominantly black in color even though we have people of light skin colour(my mom is light skinned).

They are fondly called onye-ocha(white person). This is due to the interaction between the Europeans and the Igbos.

They have wooly black hair and a wide big nose. The Igbo's are tall , handsome and beautiful. They have a bold face as well.



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Asusu (Language):

The Igbo people speak the Igbo language (Asusu Igbo) as well as English as a result of colonialism. The Igbo language varies in accent (Olu ndi Igbo) but we have a central Igbo (Igbo Izugbe) understandable by all Igbo's. Mind you an Igbo doesn't like to be addressed as Ibo but Igbo.

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Geographical location:

it is a common saying that Igbo's are all over the world, this is true as Igbo's are always in search of greener pastures to expand their business. Infact it is a popular saying here 'e be obu na ifuro onye Igbo gbakwa Oso' ( wherever you don't see an Igbo person it is not safe) . However a large population of Igbo's are found in their state of Origin in the South Eastern part of Nigeria ; Anambra, Abia, Enugu, Imo and Ebonyi these are the main Igbo states. Igbo tribes can also be found in parts of Delta state, Porthacourt etc.


Nri (Food):

Igbo delicacies are mouth watering dishes that can make you salivate. Each region is known for a particular dish. The Igbo's of Enugu state are known for their 'Okpa' ( cowpea) and 'Abacha'(Cassava Flakes or popularly known as African Salad) whenever I am in Enugu I don't miss this, the Igbo's of Imo state which is where I am from are known for their ' Ofe Owerre' soup while the Igbo's of Anambra are known for their delicious 'ofe onugbo' dished with 'kpomo' (cow skin). Other delicacies includes Yam which is the king of All Foods in Igbo and their is a popular festival attached to it , the New Yam festival also known as 'Iri ji Ohuru'.





Before the coming of the white man, the Igbo's were predominantly traditionalist, worshippers of nature and other small African gods such as Amadioha(the god of thunder), Ala (the earth goddess), idemili( the god of water) and Omaliko. The culture (omenala) and Tradition of the Igbos are intertwined with their religion every lifestyle has a touch of religiosity. Before every meal he pours out libs to his ancestors, every dance or celebration must have reverence to a particular deity. However with the introduction of christianity the traditional religion has become very unpopular.

In other not to bore my readers I will call it a day here by surmarising. The Igbo's are one of the most hardworking, jovial and accommodating people.

The Igbo Man believes in the impact of his community that he cannot exist outside it. He believes he is the community and the community is him(I am because we are and we are because I am), back in the oldens day the worst punishment was to be ostracized or banished from ones community, it simply means that person stops to exist.

The Igbo Man also believes in his individual freedom and doesn't like to be controlled. The Igbo society is an egalitarian society hence the adage 'Igbo Enwere Eze' . The Igbo's are one of the most fascinating people you can ever meet. I hope I have enlightened you on who the Igbo People are.

To get more in insight into who the Igbos are, I will recommend a text;

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

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