Greetings friends hope we're all good. Today marks my second day on site and to all my friends who wish to peruse how progressive it's been so far, it's really my pleasure to update you guys in this regard.
So friends I woke up around 7 and had my wash and then took off to the site around 8am. On getting there, the number of labor has increased in comparison with the number we started with the first day so we decided to use all of them, as to finish the digging of the trend on time.
pix on Site
Hence we started work with about 7 of them and finally they finished the major places that needed to be excavated though there were some partitions that needed to be dug but there isn't enough space for dumping the excavated sand.
While the work is going on
Finally they were able to finish the major trench around 4pm. Finally, I called my client to bring some money for the settlement since the one I had on me wasn't enough to settle everyone, so he came and settled the rest of the labor and everyone went home.
Pix as work finishes
This was the full activity on site on Thursday as I came home and complemented my day. Thanks for checking on my blog bye and love you all.
Nice, keeping us updated @davchi
Good job done!
Yeah thanks
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