in # blurttribe •  3 years ago • 3 min read



I never thought that Russia has common ties with Ukraine until I decided to dig deep into their history. In the course of my research I realized that both countries is a set of people who came to live together after their ancestors, the Vikings who came from northern Europe and conquered the local inhabitants. After their conquest in the 800s they went by the name Kyivan Rus which is now the modern day Russia and Ukraine.

In 1214 Kyivan Rus was conquered by the mongol Armies which then split the land which became a part of the modern-day Ukraine and Poland while mangol became a separate empire which the modern day Moscow was its capital.

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Kyivan Rus

There was a revolution in 1917 which forced Czar out of the throne and then a Soviet Union empire was created but the Ukrainians refused the idea of the Soviet Union as they tried creating their own country which failed because of the force exerted by the union while a Ukrainian Socialist Republic was created instead which allowed the ukrainians to keep their culture and run their local government but on the other hand, the Union took the power of the Ukrainian when they feared that they really wanted independence.


Ukraine city

Russian City

Finally at the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 Ukraine was able to gain independence as they separated from the Russians. In 2013 new Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych who wanted Ukraine to pay loyalty to Russia by signing a trade treaty with them, though this was repelled and protested against by the Ukrainian people which also forced him out and the office.

On the cause of the protest, Vladimir Putin the president of Russia considered that most ukrainians wanted Russia instead of having a strong ties with Europe which may be an upheaval to his country so he came up with the propaganda to annex Crimea and this brought a conflict between the two Nations, as this has claimed about 14,000 lives and displaced about a million people. Though this propaganda was cited to help local ukrainians who want to be part of Russia by sending them weapons to fight for their freedom.

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Ukraine president Zelenskyy

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Russian president Putin

Recently vladmir Putin the president of Russia also claimed that's Ukraine and Russia are brother Nations and such Russia is the elder nation to Ukraine and moreover, it should have an upper hand in the affairs of the two countries, but this has created an incitement by zelenskyy who told the ukrainians to fight for their freedom as an independent nation because of the Russians aggression.

Finally we are living in a world where people are so cautious of power and would want to be in perpetual control, so I see this as the major reason for the war as Russia has decided to exercise their anarchical control over Ukraine but undermining that Ukraine is an independent nation and such should be respected as an independent state and letting go whichever way they immated as a nation though it pains me when I see people die like fowls, properties destroyed as if they worth nothing but I pray that this will soon end in victory to Ukraine. Thanks for going through my article for today. God bless you. ✋

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com
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