Hello Friends, I bring us greetings from my end.
Though coming a bit behind time with respect to my sunday's engagement. I woke up around 6am and took off to the stream with my brother @successjoh to get some drinkable water from the stream, after a two times fetch, I had my bath an then took off to church.
On my way to church
Though I didn't meet the first service which was the Sunday school session, but I joined in the main service though we first went out for evangelism around 9am before fully engaging in the main service which started by 10am.
one of the tract I shared to people during evangelism

During the main service, the church collected their offerings and straight away, the sermon was given around 11am by one of the church elders appointed by the Pastor to handle the sermon, where he talked about he that believe is not condemned while taking his text from John 3:16-18
While the sermon was given
Finally, we shared the grace at almost 12 after which the church had a meeting of which I joined them where issues bordering the church was discussed. After a little deliberation, the meeting was concluded an everyone went to their homes.
During the meeting in church
At home, I didn't go anywhere but just spent some time navigating through my phone then at evening, I went to my neighbors shop, since there's no light in the village at the moment, I came home around 11pm and took off to bed. This was how I spent my day, thanks for checking on me, bye.
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