Cybersecurity: How Firms Mobile devices and BYOD devices should be handled to ensure Information security

in # blurttribe •  2 years ago • 4 min read

Every component and part that carries, stores and processes information is important in cybersecurity, regardless of how small they might look. It is so easy to discard some company assets such as websites, or some firms will not pay close attention towards ensuring security on them, and it usually ends up bad for those firms. Aside from the website giving an online presence to a firm, it also gives in-depth information about a firm and what it does; this way, it could help boost sales if the site is well optimized. Aside from that, there are some websites where a payment gateway API has been infused. Ensuring the safety of a website should not be ignored because of what the firm stands to lose in cases where it is hacked.



Laptops and other mobile devices are key tools which people use to get their job done daily. However, despite this assertion, many firms and staff do not take the time to ensure the safety of these mobile devices. Numerous Preventive and corrective actions should be implemented to ensure the safety of Laptops and other mobile devices. Despite the sensitivity of the information that these mobile devices possess. Most organisations are unwilling to set aside resources to protect them. It is not only wrong, it is also bad for business too.

However, after a careful risk assessment, most firms realise the importance and the criticality of the information which could be accessed through these mobile devices when not adequately controlled. Some organisation factor BYOD (Bring your own device) in as the assets to secure and protect. The next paragraphs explain how a firm could protect the Information on mobile devices and the device in return.

There are numerous ways in which a firm could help protect the information on a mobile device and the mobile device itself. Below are some of the ways explained briefly:

  • Investing in an MDM: Mobile device Management (MDM) is always used by firms to protect their mobile assets. They are numerous functions which an MDM can do as it functions includes keeping tabs on the location of the firm's mobile devices and restricting sites and addresses that could be accessed from a device. Some MDM, such as Microsoft intune, can delete information from mobile phones. This MDM is great as it helps provides an overview of all the firms' mobile devices while ensuring that tabs are kept on them all. Some MDMs can also be used to control the applications which can be used or downloaded on a mobile device.



  • VPN: Virtual Private Network is used by a firm to create a secure connection between mobile devices and the firm's network. Big firms invest in this technology to ensure that staff working remotely can conveniently and securely connect to the network on their personal device. This VPN would have been configured so only registered devices could access a network and information. This, in a way, ensures security to a firm network while ensuring that the information accessed by a device is known regardless of the staff not being physically present at the office.

  • Cabinets, Laptop locks and cubicles: Most people believe that technical controls are the only thing that could be used adequately control and protect mobile devices and the information they carry. However, they could not have been more wrong. When put in place, some physical controls will ensure that information on mobile devices is safe. Take, for example, having a cubicle that will help protect the information on the screen of a laptop. When positioned right, other staff will not have access to the information on someone else's laptop. Also, having a cabinet provides a place where the laptops can be kept just in case one needs to step away from his or her workstation/Desk. The laptop locks help keep a laptop safely locked on the desk or workstation. With locks, you are sure that no one will move your laptops from where they were originally placed.

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