Personal Development: Pratice what you learn

in # blurttribe •  2 years ago • 2 min read

With the amount of knowledge and resources available in the world today, it is very easy to be easily overwhelmed with the information available at their disposal. The world we know today has changed with just a few types of your laptops. You could fully understand things you were not familiar with 30 mins ago.



The resources available for professionals are many, and it is littered everywhere. While this could be a good thing, someone with no prior knowledge of something could engage with the resources they have come across and become more knowledgeable about the topic. The downturn of resources being littered everywhere is that many people consume this knowledge without putting what they have learnt to work. To me, people in this state are destined not to make any impact on the world despite their widely acquired and recognised skills.

I have been guilty of this issue before, leaving me stranded in a position for so long. But what's the essence of acquiring and not applying all the skills to solve a problem? It is a waste. Unapplied skills and knowledge will not change the world, and they won't also benefit the person who possesses them.

Aside from learning a skill, it is important to practice it to ensure that you got it right. Practising what you learn makes it become part of you in no time as you get better after each practice. In my opinion, the term practice makes perfect is coined to take humans closer to perfection and get things right. The truth is learning and learning without application will not give you a full description of if what you learnt is still valid oh absolute.

In summary, here her five reasons why you should practice whatever you learn:

  • Practising your skills makes your perfect your trade with them
  • A shot at learning more through trial and error
  • Helps to know the applicability of what was learnt in the real world
  • practising what you learned might birth a new innovation or conform to the existing beliefs
  • Practising makes you discover newer things.
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