What really matters

in # blurttribe •  2 years ago • 4 min read

The world as we know it keeps changing from the one we are used to living in 10 years ago, and in truth, the world will be different in 20 years’ time. With the improvement in technology, which has helped revolutionaries how we think and how things are being done cut across all sectors, this new age we find ourselves in was a dream to people who came before us.

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Technology has changed how we think, it has changed how food is been produced, how food is been processed and how it is harvested and stored. The mind-blowing occurrence of it all is that it has influenced not just the old, young, and rich but even the poor as lots of technological tools are free to access and use by almost anyone with minimal skills.

For example, the rise of AI in almost all sectors has been amazing and jaw-dropping. However, I still believe that the rise and usage of this AI should be slowed down as some things we are so used to seeing in Science Fiction movies seems to be coming to pass. It might sound like a joke, but even the founder of the earliest and most popular AI which is ChatGB in an interview said he is afraid of the invention as it keeps learning on its own.

What if it learns that humans are a big threat to its existence and decides to do something about it? Well, it sounds unreal, but the concept of AI sounds so unreal too but now, they are not just real, they are almost free for everyone. This shows that a lot still needs to be done to curtail the influence of technology, and it should be studied continually.

Sorry for digressing a bit about the reason why this post was made. A lot has been in the news of late concerning gun violence and people shooting and killing kids for no just reasons. These events are becoming normal and everyday events and it is concerning especially in some states in the USA where guns are allowed to be owned and used by its citizen. The usage so far has defeated the purpose for which it was allowed in the first place.

The lives of humans count for less this day as a Whiteman could just kill a black person due to the colour of their skin. In an age where this thing should be ancient history but however, it is still a thing. Racism spreads across all boards, from football to place of work to politics and to the community one lives in. Racism still exists and the laws to enforce the eradication are not really been enforced or should I say they are flexible.

The one which is much more painful is the fact that some people show love more to animals or pets than they do to other humans. This seems a little overboard to me as an African man where all animals are seen as a slice of meat for soup, and it is treated as such. In fact, the few people who keep pet still shows love for their other humans unlike when compared to the advanced world. The recent case of Kurt Zuma, who is a footballer, revealed a lot to me. It shows how some sections of humans care-less for people as they demand that he should be sacked and imprisoned for hitting a cat, just a cat, lol.

Well, pets might be a big deal for a lot of people, but the question remains what really matters?

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