My First unofficial Job!

in # blurttribe •  3 years ago • 3 min read

Gathering a few bucks has always brought my joy. I mean as a teen I would be able to get as much chocolate and biscuits as a pleased so why not? I know using majority of my funds for sweets sounds absurd but at that age that was the only thing on my mind, you can’t blame a kid now can ya? Rather than being idle or lazy I deemed it necessary to do something productive with my time and so I did.

I was 15yrs and presently in high school, We had just finished a school session and had gone for summer break. My friends had travelled, some enrolled in summer lessons etc. I mean it’s a summer afterall, so going for summer lessons wasn’t an option for me. ’hello? I needed a break lol’

At some point I got really bored staying at home until one day my aunt came visiting. While having a conversation with my mom I heard her complain of the stress and work load she faces. Apparently her kids nanny had quit on short notice and with the summer break, her 3 kids were home and they obviously needed undivided care and attention. Juggling everything coupled with work wasn’t easy, so I could understand ow stressed she was… and then it hit me 💡


’what if I replace the nanny?’ I asked. They both turned to look at me surprised that I was actually listening to the conversation. Well they both knew I was good with kids plus I was actually responsible at that age so why not give me a chance? After much pondering they decided to give me a try.

Now I know since they were literally my cousins it should have been free right? But then I thought why not negotiate a price? Lol no offense I’ve always been business inclined don’t judge me!! Anyways, she offered to pay me a little something. Now I know that’s nothing compared to what the previous nanny got but that was actually a big deal for me.

I hadn’t even started working yet but I already planned the juice boxes I would get for myself and siblings. Anyways babysitting wasn’t so simple, dealing with kids can get tiring at some point. They were 4, 6 and 8. Quite a handful I must say, the cries, roughness and energy and persistent food cravings where quite overwhelming at some point but I must say it was a cool experience.

The feeling of responsibility and accountability gave me a taste of what adulthood might actually feel like, and I loved the fact that I actually bonded with the kids, I loved how they hugged me whenever they saw me coming, how we sang to nursery rymes and played games. I must say it was a wonderful experience. Sadly the summer break was over and my time had expired but subsequently I began to babysit a lot. I basked in happiness after receiving my first pay and I proceeded to get sweats for myself and siblings.

Thank you for reading

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You made me remember my younger sister when she replaced a nanny at my Aunt's place. She took care of her kids and she enjoyed all benefits because they sponsored her till she graduated from Uniben. She really enjoyed. I would love to babysit too because I never got the opportunity to.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Awwn that’s nice
You’re pretty lovely, kids would love you