in # blurttribe •  3 years ago • 3 min read

Knowing our culture is more like understanding ourselves because everything about us is formed by our culture. Our culture portrays who we are and it's something to be proud of. Most of our important decisions in life have to do with our cultures. Culture is like a legacy built over the years by the forefathers to guide and groom the upcoming generations. As parents, the need to inculcate our culture and tradition in the life of our children can never be overemphasized.

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There are many aspects of culture; language, food, dressing, greeting, traditions, and so on. Teaching your culture to your children is one of the main responsibilities of a parent.

Many of our children are not being nurtured into speaking their mother tongue but rather, speak only English; I think we don't have any reason not to do the needful. Our native Language is very important to everyone and the kids should not be left out. If they miss learning this at an early stage, it becomes difficult when they grow older. Have you imagined your children mixing up with other kids probably when you visit your village and they are unable to communicate with other kids while they are playing? Of course, it wouldn't turn out well on their part, and it becomes so important that we add our culture to our training lists during our parenting journey. The fact that it is called mother tongue doesn't mean it's the duty of a mother alone to put the children through learning their native languages as some people believe through my personal experience. It should be a collaborative effort by both parents 👌

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Our native food is another interesting part of our culture that the kids need to know. When I first started preparing our native meals for my children, they didn't like it. They will be like, mummy what is this? Why not make rice or noodles and eggs, but then, I let them understand the need for them to learn and practice their culture so that wherever they find themselves, they will fit into their society.

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How about greetings, and other basic traditions they need to know? How well have we been grooming them into knowledge about this aspect of culture? From my experience, many people have received one favor or the other out there just because of the knowledge of their culture. Even without that, our culture should be our pride which we should hold in high esteem ensuring that we pass the same knowledge to our youngsters, just as our parents did to us.

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I applaud a lot of schools that understand the importance of our culture, beliefs, and tradition and included a day to celebrate such in schools. Some children have used this opportunity to learn more about their culture but then, they have the privilege of getting the raw knowledge of it through us; their parents.

In summary, I encourage every parent who has not been doing this part of parenting to embark on it. The children will be proud of you for growing up to know the cultural diversities.


Remember to keep staying positive and be happy 😊💖🧡❤👌👍

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  ·  3 years ago  ·