A word of encouragement: Everything occurs for a reason.

in # blurttribe •  2 years ago • 3 min read

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**Everything occurs for a reason

We often hear it during our most trying times when we are faced with painful circumstances, like the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship. Diseases that develop out of the blue are also unfathomable events that cause us to question our existence. For many people, these words become a source of comfort.

Are all of the things that happen in our life for a reason? Or are they just phrases we use to console one another and explain events that have occurred to us but which we do not grasp because we are only seeking order among chaos?

The fact is that because of our limitations as finite creatures, we are unable to comprehend the whole complexity of the cosmos. It is thus feasible that certain seemingly random occurrences have reasons and consequences that are unknown to us, but this does not imply that everything in the universe has a purpose.

Instead of holding on to the notion that everything occurs for a purpose, we should concentrate on learning from every experience, no matter how painful it is, rather than seeking a divine explanation for every unfortunate circumstance since, in my opinion, this restricts us and does not confuse me. Not that everything happens for a purpose, but not everything that happens is terrible.

Every good or bad situation we encounter has a purpose in our existence, even though it can be difficult for us to accept that. Perhaps we don't fully understand many things right now because we are undergoing certain tests to learn from them, but we can trust that time will reveal the truth.

I know it sounds simple in words, but we must fight to make decisions and take actions that will lead us to where we want to be instead of just letting ourselves be carried away by the circumstance. We must not mistake the idea that everything happens for a reason with a justification to allow negative situations in our lives, much less fill our minds with negative and pessimistic thinking.

Perhaps today you experience a significant loss, a heartbreaking farewell, or you are going through a difficult time, but with time you will realize that out of that absence or that issue a new adventure or opportunity arose, and perhaps tomorrow you will cry with joy for something you never would have believed possible.

Life is a gift that is given to us, but it is transient and brief.
We are not owners of anything; we can only take what it offers, time passes without mercy and with it our days that remain at the end, but the memory of the lived better look for passion and joy in every moment you have because life is an arid desert and we are not owners of anything so your essence will remain inscribed as an eternal imprint.

For you and all those who have passed away, laugh even in your darkest and most trying times. Every grin is a drop of joy that envelops you and eases your spirit.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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