## How i handled the bully as a teen .

in # burt •  2 years ago • 6 min read

When i was a teen friends had a nick phrase for me .
But lets first put on the music from that time that gave inspiration for my given nick .

Tears for Fears , where my friends put my last name , witch differ but few letters from tears or fears , first at the place of Tears and in a second line in the place of Fears .

Name for Fears
Tears for Name

I was a skinny guy , lucky to have survived the first 11 years of my life . Not of any importance what had caused that in relation to this topic , so ill leave it at that . Just know i was not that strong build .
Witch made me a target for bully's , as they mostly pick a target weaker then themselves , for the bully wants to score a win in the eyes of the crowd . It is all about social order and control , everybody wants to rule the world .

But where other victims of bully's bowed down to the verbal bullying , following orders and stayed in a kind of victim state , down below in the social order around the dictator narcissist bully , i did not . I refused to follow anyone's social picking order under verbal force . Voluntary or not , where the only options i knew .
So i mocked them , first friendly and joking some truths back on the bully's thinking , and if the bully got more meaner , straight out me did bullying verbally back .

What i learned is that not all bully's are evil cunt's , for some got the humor , along with the crowd , and accepted me as me around or even became my friend , and some even changed there ways .

Some that went beyond verbally , looking for a fight , having the victim attack them , clearly visible for the crowd . True mean punches and kicks while the crowd is not looking . Where again the victims that survived the verbal attacks mostly gave in and bowed down to the senseless dictators rules . I did not , i endured it and stayed in the crowds eyes whit the bully around , keeping it at words .

Pissing the bully of for not getting violent on him while mocking him in public . The one looking for the fight will attack first , a word said wrong is the final trigger , words that the bully will take for justice in the eyes of the crowd to attack first . Insulting the bully's mother i found was such trigger often . I wonder why ? mammy's boys ?

Now i was not strong build , but that said more about visual appearance then if i had strength . I could jump high , kick hard , and run fast . At the bulls first run at me , i would hit as hard as i could ( chest or head was my aim , not the nuts ,.. i have some decency , com'n ,. man don't kick nuts of other man ) , jumped out of the way and ran like hell . There is no need to get hammered by a angry bull .

And there is humor for the crowd to see a raging bull without a target to rage on .

As you notice i wrote about male bully's , but for girl-female bully's my principles stay the same , i just changed the kick and run tactic in to just a slap with open hand on the cheek , and stand my ground .

Female's have there own way of bullying , a whole different story , where i can only say , the females seem to bully the males less . As in my experience i have but 2 or 3 encounters with female bullying towards me . And only ones i had to slap a cheek , but in my defense , she was 15kg more then me and taller to , i took two hard punches to the head , before i replied with a slap on face side . It did the trick , she ended up in a hysterical tantrum witch made evading , jumping aside , from other raging bull run's a easy task .

Witch again can be watched as funny by the crowd , the crowd where many are in denial of being in some sort of victim state by the bully his control on social order , thinking that the bully is there friend . Deceived in seeing his/her enemy's , her/his demons . fooled by someones fantasy .
Where humor helps in entertaining the truth for the crowd to see , mirror , think and find answers . But what ever you do , don't bow down , but laugh with the mockers , not against them over shallow answers from hollow minds .

We all have bin bullied , we all have bullied , there are no saints , we all want to rule the world at times .
Where i am sometimes to eager on getting the bully to show , and sometimes used dirty tricks on innocent others to get reaction from the bully , just to get it over and done , for peace to return in the social order .
It's my only sin , and i should not , so sorry to all i ever hurt ,.. it was in self-defense and for peace . I will have to consider the ethics and morals of such actions , weight there value against the honest questions asked by me .
One day i might learn , don't kill the bait fish before the big fish is hooked . That is not fair game no matter how honest the words said where meant .

This was me as a teen , this was about what ever you might find in it , may it shed some light for others , targets and bullies the like , it's about the message , and may i end saying ,..
We should not worship the golden bull .
Instead find harmony and peace among us .

Let's refuse victim-hood , and grow up a bit .
Stand our grounds , no matter how ugly the attack might seem .
A good weekend to all . ;-)

Links : youtube
Phote : my own .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Me and my best friend at school fell out with our other two friends and they began to bully us. They would hide it from the rest of the class buf it was pretty bad I used to dread going to school. They would separate the two of us too so pick on one for a bit and let the other off then rotate. The other was so happy to be off the hook we just enjoyed the freedom. They would even threaten to beat us up outside although they never did. In hindsight it was rly crazy we allowed it for a year because it was just two girls vs two girls of the same build and height but I’ve never faught anyone in my life we were the natural underdogs rly. Eventually I made friends with a bigger circle and they left us alone.

We also had a couple of guys that got bullied rly bad in our class by most the class and I remember not defending them out of not wanting to go against the in crowd but knowing it was wrong. I don’t stand by as an adult, that’s mostly why I got targeted on hive standing up for others. I wouldn’t sit by and watch it now.