Battle Of (uneeded) Wits

in # cent •  2 days ago • 2 min read

by @brave-smoke on Brave-Smoke Plays
View my bio on Battle Of (uneeded) Wits

I started playing League of Legends back in Season 2. I still remember the pixelated maps and the OG slower mechanics.

It was a simplier time where the community was not so toxic. Me and a bunch of friends who often chilled at my other friend's Internet Gaming Cafe downtown would pull many allnighters on this game.

Now time has passed and coming back to this game sort of breaks my heart seeing what it's become, what the company done to it's employees and founding members, as well as Riot's takeover by another bigger badder meaner organization with it's own political agenda.

I still log on from time to time.

This video is one of my favourite "fuck up" vids. I'm here playing Lux against a Darius. It's a replay of a match that i had against an enemy team (therefore the fog-of-war was disabled during replay).

I cannot begin to tell you how much i pissed myself laughing during this fight, after and after again watching.

Hope you enjoy!

PS - yes, my playername is "turtlegod". Goes back 15 years at least.

Check out today's video..!

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