[GW2] Soo-Won Boss Fight - "Battle For The Jade Sea"

in # cent •  2 days ago • 4 min read

by @brave-smoke on Brave-Smoke Plays
View my bio on Blurt.media: https://blurt.media/c/brave.plays [GW2] Soo-Won Boss Fight - "Battle For The Jade Sea"

Before the world of Tyria existed, there was only the void, that is when Soo-Won created the world and the other Elder Dragons (her children, or scions - (Zhaitain, Jormag, Primordus, Krallkatorik, and Mordremoth) in Mother's Lament, so as not to feel alone. She intended that they would bring peace, balance, and harmony to the natural magic of the world. She set each of them over particular domains of magic and took the domain of Water for herself.

Initially the other five dragons were created as mindless tools to bring balance and harmony to the fabric of magic, by filtering the Void into six domains of magic in the All. Over time Soo-Won's children began to develop personalities and fascination, so they soon left Soo-Won for the world, becoming hostile towards their siblings and their mother.

Soo-Won, like the other Elder Dragons, is assumed to have last awakened 10,000 years ago, around the time of the disappearance of the Great Giants, and then fallen back into slumber after consuming all the world's available magic. Little information about this dragon has survived to the present day. Ancient jotun stelae mention a "sextet of swallowers" which are said to have consumed the world several times over.

Having learned of the horrible effects her children have had on the world, Soo-Won turns to Aurene. Soo-Won wants Aurene to end the Dragon Cycle by becoming the All, like Soo-Won once was, and controlling Tyrian magic alone.


"Soo-Won and the Great Wave"

Long ago, a hungry dragon woke up. Fearsome Zhaitan emerged from a long sleep, intent on eating the whole world. His awakening caused a massive wave, which tore across the ocean—straight for Cantha.

The people looked on in terror as it came their way. No one knew what to do. No one, that is, except for the saltspray dragon Kuunavang. She told the emperor and empress, "I will get help. Keep the people safe." And so noble Kuunavang flew as fast as she could to the home of the great dragon Soo-Won.

"Soo-Won!" she cried. "We need you! A great wave is coming, and it will wash away the people of Cantha!" Hearing her words, Soo-Won rose from the Endless Ocean and said, "I will come," and together, the two dragons flew to where the raging waters now washed over Cantha.

When they arrived, the flood had already destroyed the city of Kaineng, and the people were running, fast as they could, deeper into Cantha, the wave chasing right at their heels. With a swoop of great wings, Soo-Won landed, placing herself between the wave and the people.

She stared down the oncoming water and commanded it, "Stop." The wave crashed in front of Soo-Won, as if an invisible cliff now stood in front of her. The water raged, swirling and splashing, trying to get through, but then the great dragon gave a second command, "Retreat."

The wave had no choice but to obey. It recoiled and slipped backward, slowly and gently, so that it could do no more harm as it retreated back to the ocean. The people of Cantha cheered for Soo-Won, and they cheered for noble Kuunavang.

But Soo-Won did not stay to take part in the celebrations. She slipped away, with a promise that she would always be nearby, and that if another disaster should strike, she would return. Until then, she would rest. And noble Kuunavang stayed among the humans so that if time came, she could wake Soo-Won once again. And the people of Cantha rested easy, knowing they had two dragons watching over them as they slept.

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