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  ·  3 days ago  ·  

Words from Romley:

"if you hold the correct birth certificate, you can't get a driver license! you don't need a driver license on public your own lands but a CITIZEN of any company registered to the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, District of Columbia, does need a license to do anything on his land because he became a CITIZEN of a foreign (Off shore) corporate entity... (CITY OF LONDON) The first birth certificate births the foreign administration corporation on to your birthright land rendering you as the beneficiary and them as the trustee! The second state birth certificate (The one every state citizen holds) births you into the foreign state! rendering you as the trustee of such a foreign state! ... Once you accept the second state birth certificate, your standing as the national beneficiary is transferred to the foreign company so they collect all the royalties that were meant to be paid to you... (It is paid to you but you left). They fool the masses by using a debased SIGN LANGUAGE as English in order that the public make the mistake and "assume" that the sign: UNITED STATES is America, or the sign: COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is Australia, when grammatically it is not but it sure fooled the illiterate idiots! .... If you are the citizen of the foreign state appearing in SIGN LANGUAGE, such as: UNITED STATES or COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, you need a license to do anything on foreign lands (Being your own land you lost) and that is why you need a license to even shit! ... You were converted from beneficiary of a foreign administrator into the trustee of the foreign administrator destroying your national political standing to the country you were born on... (Birth right stolen) ... The reason why "debased Latin" is used is because UNITED STATES appearing correctly in sign should appear as: UNITED-STATES. The debased SIGN with the removed hyphen translates to English as: "United. States", and not the "United States", rendering the sign: UNITED STATES, as a total fiction. A dream, a nothing in fact... Your consent to be governed by a foreign corporate private banking entity was due to you complete ignorance to grammar and the syntax of English and Sign language, that gave them the advantage over you in order to take your national birth right of your own lands... Roman maxim:
Let those that let themselves be deceived, be deceived..."


"thanks for this acknowledgement, I am concerned about our world and the illusions that evil hides behind, as many good people are, is it one massive testing ground for something? I wished I knew... If we all lived by a simple system of Christ: "Love your neighbour as you do your own brother", we would never put each other through this terrible system of hate, revenge and counterfeit paper. All one can do is try and alert people to the two accounts, that of the "people" and that of the "persons" and remind the administration, and the persons, that it is a free choice where one stands, however, the administration must not force the "people" into the standing of the corporate "person", its up to each man and woman to act after they know the truth, at least get the truth to them so they have the ability to make the choice, be it that they choose to stay with the dark side or the light, at least they know and I did something, even though I did this mostly in fear. We are meant to have the strength, I spend most of my time afraid of them to this very day... No one wants to die in body form but if that be so, than at least I did something to remind us all that without the trust, there is nothing......"


"In law, a DEAD man has no rights... While you are dead, the administrator-trustee, has total control over your estate, (Birthright ownership over the mineral and energy wealth of the country you were born on) because you are assumed dead... If you were assumed legally dead at such a young age and you never returned back to your true correct birthright legal standing without making a will or an agreement of compensation in order to enter into their fraud, (Because you were too young to know and you were never told), your whole life as an assumed legally dead "person" will be under the total control of the person that perpetrated the fraud against you in the first place... If the registrar general of your birth certificate is a banker of the foreign private Rothschild's banking system, than that is your master within their legally dead world, you left your real Christ...... The world of Mamon and usury is the underworld of the legally dead and if your equity dies (Your real body) while you remain in their system of the legally dead, so does your true God given rights that was only given to the living, die along with it... To let go of the underworld gutter of Mamon is to reclaim your "life" but too many people love the life of the underworld-mamon too much to ever let go of the legal titles of the world of the legally dead... Once you let go of the legal title, the equity returns on the condition you know who you "really" are, as in your real name, your real date of birth and your real number in registry... Being "BIRTHED" into the underworld is being birthed into legal death ..."


"The deception of the Marginal Text...The written language of the margin of a document has no jurisdiction with the language of the main body of text, its only those that can detect the difference between main body text and marginal text that may detect a document that may be set up to deceive you into falling for the deception of converting you from the main body into the outer fringes of life where you lose everything. Ro, is a fiction language that appears within the margins of a document, it can be mistaken for English by the grammatically untrained eye, leaving you with a false impression of what a document may be saying... Life has become flat by the legal world of paper, titles, deeds, contracts, licenses, you name it, nothing seems to exist without some form of document, but are any of them real?, it may be those that can see the fraud in the paper that may be able to save themselves from such deceptions appearing within the body of text in relation to such deeds, titles, bills, licenses etc. No contract can exist in fraud, unless you "consent" but if you can't see the fraud, you may be at a disadvantage to such a satanic occult of the masters of the flat earth of paper ... Justinian Deception..."


"thanks so much, it has been a scary thing to do, the weekends I spent in the watch house, three days in a room the size of a bathroom, just sitting there in a concert cell, I did wonder why I do this but I can't help it, I think its a duty that we owe to Christ, look what he went through just for the truth... A few weekends in prison is nothing I guess, the threats were frightening and the arrests, one arrest was brutal, 8 officers, dropped me to the ground, punched me in the back, threats in the watch house, huge court case with charges of terrorist related charges all made up lies but what do you do? .. how can one defend against such a corrupt state? .. (I walked away from that court with no charge because even though I pleaded guilty to everything, the magistrate mitigated the charges to nothing, he knew the danger they were in) I still get harassed a bit but nothing like I used to though I did get another threat a few weeks ago that they are going to start at me again... my grandfathers brother, my grand uncle, spent 2 years on the Burma railway, they were shipped to Singapore in WW2, all got off the boat and the British commander told all the Australians on that shipment of Australian troops to surrender their guns and that they had been surrendered to the Japanese forces, they built the Burma railway, he was 6 stone when he returned, he saw many of his friends die and killed but he could never understand why they were surrendered to Japan without firing a shot, he later found out that the British also needed the railway for their hidden drug trade and after getting back, he never trusted any government again ... He went through hell and back so for me, a few days in prison and a couple of beatings from Queensland Police is nothing to what he went through in WW2 ... If I am killed, so what, so be it because we are all dead anyway if this fraud keeps going the way it is... Thanks again for the kind thoughts ... Rom ..."


"Yes, the certificates seem to be much the same all over the international banking world. I had a problem opening a bank account with the CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH, the bank called security and had me removed from the bank when I presented the certificate. They didn't touch me but stood behind me until I left. I think the banks need you to hold the surname so that they can hold the Christian name account, that is what they use as their security and maybe access that account while you are the surname. I assume that if you hold the Christian name, the bank may be liable for all your debts."


"Many people don't really know that communism is really the control system for companies, corporations, colonies, plantations etc. Its a slave system, corporate control. A colony is like a foreign occupation corporation controlling its citizens while occupying a foreign land.

Some thoughts.

I think this system is all over the world. America was probably taken way before Australia (Terra Australis) was ever even found by the British Admiralty. I notice that on US police audit videos, police always seem to ask: "Are you a US Citizen" well there it is, the foreign British Admiralty system, they didn't ask if you were an American Civilian or even an American Citizen, they said US or UNITED STATES citizen, the UNITED STATES is not the United States of America, its a private incorporation run by the City of London. (Vatican Roman Administration) From what I understand, the American Civil Flag has its strips running vertical, the US flag is the US Military flag, not the American civil flag, these could be the signs that people are ignoring? the British Admiralty or City of London has been administrating the English people for 2000 years, I think the City of London, (Vatican Roman Administration) started around 47-AD so this Vatican Roman admin has been doing this for a long time. The original America was probably a group of people hoping to escape the European Catholic Roman rule! but I have a feeling that it may have taken America back. Every time a president gets in and tries to take America back for the people or close down the US-FED, (Vatican controlled private banking system), look what happens,, taken out of office one way or the other!... The way I see it is that the governing system is so gnostic, so secret and limited to so few people that most of the world has no idea how the (Trust Law) system works and they, the people in power, owners of the governing corporations, are going to keep it that way. It might be why a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT is needed in order to contain the knowledge of this administration system into an even smaller handful of people. Like anything, once you know how its done or once you know how the magician did his trick, it all seems so simple, however, sometimes, if you do know how it works, millions of people will never believe it. One of the main things to try and work out is the difference between a citizen standing and a civilian standing, if you're holding the citizen birthing certificate, maybe you should try and find out what constitutes a civilian standing and if there is a certificate for the civilian, If you do become a civilian, then the US military controlled by the British Admiralty, may be a foreign occupation! and you then may have the rights of a non belligerent occupied person. Check the rules in relation to foreign occupation. Like Australia, it appears that Australia is a foreign occupation military occupation but most people "believe" that this country is Australia, its not and the government interpretations act even states it in black and white. In relation to the US, I think from memory, New York and the islands around it, were the original British Admiralty lands, or islands, meaning, that area may be the only geographical land known as the UNITED STATES ! and the rest of America is the real America. New York is not America! so when an American becomes a US Citizen, has he been taken from the real geographical America, rendering him to be subject to the old Cesti Que (Vie) Trust Act of 1666? rendering his estate to remain with the British Admiralty until he returns? but while the American believes that the UNITED STATES is the real geographical America, he will never return and the British Admiralty will get to claim his true equitable title over his real birth right: America, through the Cesti Que (Vie) trust act of 1666... In trust law, the trustee holds the legal right to claim an estate if no will or testament has been made! meaning, if you die as a US Citizen, before returning to the real American civilian standing, did the US British Admiralty of Rome, just claim your birthright to your real America, along with the mineral and energy wealth that goes along with such a birthright? ... Is this how the large international oil barons took the oil from the Americans without paying for it? They legally dumped every American on an off shore island called UNITED STATES??? ... That's why they make you a US Citizen at birth so by the time you reach the age of majority, (21) you have no idea that you were meant to be an American Civilian and not a foreign British Admiralty islands US CITIZEN... God help them if people ever get their heads around this deceit that has been perpetuated against the good people of this world. Once you comprehend the principle of how it works, it may be a big step in correcting your standing and also hold your own against their magistrates of deception. Comprehending the concept is where the power over these robbers lies, I feel..."