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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Greetings from Venezuela and the truth is that in part it seems to me a horror story, but in part it also seems to me a very special story.
Events like these are the ones that mark our existence and we will carry them all our lives because they have no explanation.
For the others maybe it has, but at this moment of the memories that we keep, they have no explanations.
How important it is to live these situations to create imagination and ease of expression.

Gracias por compartir su opinión sobre mi experiencia. Creo que todos tenemos ese tipo de historias, que parecen salirse de lo que se considera normal.

Debido a esta caída fuera de la norma, la mayoría suele ser reacia a hablar de las experiencias para que no sean vistas con extrañeza por los demás.

Thank you for sharing your views on my experience. I believe we all have such type of stories, ones that seem to fall outside of what is considered normal.

That due to this falling outside of the norm most are usually reluctant to discuss the experiences so they aren't looked upon strangely by others.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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I am very sorry that such working conditions exist and that there are people in need to endure such abuses.

On the other hand, I am glad that you were able to fix your vehicle and that you will soon be in a job with better conditions that will allow you to have a better quality of life.

Posted from

Thank you. It's unfortunate so many of us must perform under such harsh demands for sure.

I have an interview in the morning for a job less physical. Hopefully it to will be short lived and I can get that contractor job. In the meantime I'm working on getting the smoke smell out of my vehicle so packages wont smell like smoke.

I hope things turn around there for you and your family. I worry about you all and know that there are tough decisions being contemplated there as well due to the corrupt folks living off of their communities pain.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Some work places just destroy people needlessly and some are reasonable at best. I wish you well in securing new employment that is realistic in expectations.

Thanks. I have an interview in the morning for something less physical to hold me over till hopefully I can hear about the contracting work.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Manually curated by @vickyguevara

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wonderful piece you've put out here
You write so well too
Big ups..

I had a job similar to this once as a photographer for Amazon. I tried it for a few days, it was actually rly well paid, can’t remember exactly how much but £200-£400 ish a day, if my mind serves me correctly. They had a similar system to this you had a rail of clothes to get done and a model and a stylist, they kept saying the time didn’t matter and they wanted you to make sure things were right, but that wasn’t really that true, they clearly cared each time you made an error and had to get someone to look over your computer, or you didn’t finish all the clothes on the rail by the end of the shift. There was an invisible presence in the air that you had to achieve and be rly quick. If you had to ask a supervisor for computer help and they were busy for a while and you had to wait you felt rly edgy you wouldn’t finish your rail.

It was always you as photographer that got the brunt of it too, if the stylist etc was slow no one rly knew, it just seemed you were slow. That put this weird pressure on you to almost resent anyone in your bay wasting time. I was rly quick to begin with and they kept booking me then I had two bad days and no more calls 😅

Amazon is absolutely brutal. I used to sell through their FBA program. I knew and read of so many folks who would private brand different products. Once their sales would take off one day they would wake up to very few sales. Turns out what happens is Amazon will see what sells well for their independent sellers, allowing them to do the research and finding the manufacturer. Then if it's profitable, they will contract with that manufacturer at prices no independent seller could get and undercut you of of business.

I also had a bad experience with them in self publishing, one to long to tell here.

Sorry you, as many of us have had a bad experience with them.

Tbh at least the photography was well paid, it was a rly good day rate rly it was just too numbers driven and actually made you slower rly as you wefe always aware, cautious, feeling this need to hit targets and for me that just made me make more errors than when I feel comfy. I think it works on certain types of people maybe?

I know amazon is horrific for sellers I have friends who list there I acruallt hate amazon as it’s taken too much domination and it’s not rly their fault but people shouldn’t be letting it happen. No small business can compete with free next day delivery. I also had a friend who sold a specific type of bra and she was the only seller to sell it in a certain size and when you sewarched that size she was still on like page 4. I know they take the best selling products make them cheap in China and price everyone else out too.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cuando iniciaba apenas este camino que llaman vida, pude conocer eventos que me marcaron para siempre, al punto de siempre sentir esa ira inútil que muy pocas veces te permite ver un camino diferente. Esos momentos que me marcaron sin duda alguna dañaron a los seres que siempre me apoyaron y aun con el pasar de los años a pesar que algunos han optado por olvidar; esos recuerdos aun me resultan incomodos, desagradables y sobre todo son un recordatorio de las malas decisiones que pude haber tomado en mi vida y que de alguna forma hice que otros pagaran de forma innecesaria. Por lo cual debemos aprender a distanciarnos de todos esos eventos que nos pueden apresar durante muchos años.

Con respecto a la rueda del Hámster, estoy renuente a volver. Aunque la situación se complica más aun, mi hija está por ir a la universidad, el país sigue sin ofrecer oportunidades y solo me quedan opciones como volver a un empleo mal pagado, irme a otro país para vivir la migración y todos sus males. He trabajado toda mi vida en el área de recursos humanos y siempre digo que el trabajo no es bueno, te deben pagar por hacerlo. Es cierto que cada día que transcurre para las personas con mayor edad y con complicaciones de salud el trabajo se vuelve más una cruz que cargar, que algo que puedas disfrutar plenamente, a menos que te vuelvas alguien exitoso en otras cosas no relacionadas a la vida 1.0

Ayer le comentaba a mi esposa y a mi hija a modo de broma, que aprovecharan el tiempo porque quizás en un mes ya no estaría. Sus caras fueron de asombro, pero a la vez de realidad, eso que comentas de trabajar y tener que soportar muchas cosas no solo para ti sino para los seres que te rodean son los sacrificios que aceptamos por voluntad propia. Espero que tus sacrificios y mis decisiones por tomar, nos permitan al menos tener un mejor porvenir.


When I was just starting this path they call life, I was able to know events that marked me forever, to the point of always feeling that useless anger that rarely allows you to see a different path. Those moments that marked me undoubtedly damaged the people who always supported me and even with the passing of the years, even though some have chosen to forget; those memories are still uncomfortable, unpleasant and above all they are a reminder of the bad decisions I may have made in my life and that somehow I made others pay unnecessarily. So we must learn to distance ourselves from all those events that can imprison us for many years.

Regarding the Hamster wheel, I am reluctant to go back. Although the situation is getting even more complicated, my daughter is about to go to college, the country still does not offer opportunities and the only options left to me are to go back to a low paid job, go to another country to live migration and all its evils. I have worked all my life in the human resources area and I always say that work is not good, you should be paid for doing it. It is true that every day that goes by for older people with health complications, work becomes more of a cross to bear than something you can fully enjoy, unless you become successful in other things not related to life 1.0.

Yesterday I jokingly told my wife and daughter to take advantage of the time because I might be gone in a month. Their faces were of astonishment, but at the same time of reality, what you say about working and having to endure many things not only for you but for the people around you are the sacrifices that we accept of our own free will. I hope that your sacrifices and my decisions will allow us to at least have a better future.

Posted from

Sí, creo que muchos de nosotros que tuvimos motivos de ira cuando éramos jóvenes guardamos esos remordimientos. He comprobado que, con el paso del tiempo, gran parte de la ira ha desaparecido, ya que casi parece que la persona que era entonces es una persona diferente a la del hombre mayor que está aquí ahora. Pero el remordimiento por las acciones y palabras improcedentes de la persona furiosa e impetuosa con los demás sigue ahí, con un matiz de remordimiento. Uno no puede deshacer la campana, por desgracia.

Tengo la esperanza de que se le presente alguna oportunidad que no le obligue a emigrar lejos de su familia. He visto mucho de eso durante los muchos años que viví en Tucson, a una hora escasa de la frontera con México.

Muchos, no sólo de México, sino también de América Central y del Sur, vienen aquí por las mismas razones, muchos cruzando ilegalmente.

He visto a algunos que se apiñan hasta 20 o más hombres en una casa para sufragar los gastos, y envían el dinero que ganan a sus familias.

La codicia de los gobernantes de los hombres causa tanto dolor y pérdida de tiempo con la familia que puede considerarse nada menos que crímenes contra la humanidad. Viven en tal riqueza, robada del sudor de aquellos a los que gobiernan preocupándose no de los sacrificios obligados de aquellos a los que robarían el sudor.

Mis pensamientos están, como siempre, en que usted y su familia encuentren soluciones que alivien el dolor innecesario que se está imponiendo a la gente de su buena nación.

Yes, I think many of of us who were given cause for anger when we were young hold such regrets. I've found that with so much time passing much of the anger has gone, as it almost seems the person I was then is a different person than the older man that is here now. But the regrets of actions and words that were uncalled for from the impetuous angry person on others is still there with a tinge of remorse. One can't unring the bell unfortunately.

I'm hopeful that some opportunity will present itself to you that will not force you to migrate away from your family. I've seen a lot of that during my many years I lived in Tucson, a mere hour from the Mexican border.

Many from not only Mexico, but central and south America also come here for the same reasons, many crossing over illegally.

I've seen some who will shack up to 20 or more men in a house to defray expenses, and they will send the money back home they earn to their families.

The greed of the rulers of men causes so much pain and time lost with family that it can be viewed as nothing less than crimes against humanity. They live in such wealth, stolen from the sweat of those they rule over caring not the sacrifices forced on those they would steal the sweat of.

My thoughts are as always on you and your family finding solutions that will ease the much unnecessary pain that is being foisted upon the folks of your good nation.

This post has been upvoted by @blurthispano.
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Posted from

Gotta go to bed. Doing 250 kl on a motor bike tmr with @junglegirl heading to the tribe. Had time to read about your job, or ending of it. Hope things work out with a new courier position and your back and body heal up swiftly. Wishing you the best of luck...

Thank you :)

Have fun on your ride. I haven't ridden much as an adult, but used to ride a lot when I was a kid. Looking forward to a post on the tribe you mention if you are of a mind.

Thank you. Yes, I'll certainly have to do one. Not sure if the locals are willing to have their photos taken and posted online, especially @junglegirl's folks...but I'll surely come up with something. And yes we made it to the town an hour away from the middle of nowhere.....where the tribe is located. She hasn't seen her family since she moved down to the islands with me over a year ago now. So everyone is pretty excited.

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