The Illumination Of The Shadow Chapter Eight: 1001 Ways To Claim A Stake In The Global To Local Community

in # conspiracy •  2 years ago (edited)• 26 min read


The 1001 Club

Happy New year!! I trust that everyone has been keeping well and have enjoyed a great start to 2023. A reminder that you are reading part seven of a ( #blurt original) multi-part series. The introduction can be found here, the first part here, the second part can be found here, part three here, part four here, part five here, part six here, – and part seven here.

Officially the 1001 is a Prince Bernhard formed elite sponsored private members club that meets on an irregular basis with a view to aiding and funding the World Wildlife Fund. Hence, it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that alongside Prince Bernhard, Prince Philip and Francesca Von Habsburg were present within its membership.

A private eye magazine expose in the 1980s speculated that they were also using the WWF as a means of spreading influence within third world countries, co-opting leaders into signing over areas rich in natural resources. Whilst noted as speculative, aside from the corporate connections I've already highlighted, it certainly aligns with a similar process I have referenced and documented throughout numerous posts.


As I have previously referenced, Edmund De Rothschild's Global Environment Facility and the infrastructure surrounding the IMF & World Bank, verifiably use loans/debts to pursue an in tandem 3rd world agenda of infrastructure installation and resource privatisation. A narrative that aligns with the fact that the WWF are partnered with the UN's Agenda 2030 protocols.

Whatever your perspective, the 1001 member's list makes for some interesting reading. A members list that includes royalty, CFR & Club of Rome, military intelligence, C.I.A, Mossad, M.I.5, Corporate interests, arms traders, dictators, zionists, Bilderberg attendees, representatives of the Vatican, and individuals named within the Dutroux files.

Members have included King Juan Carlos of Spain, co-founders Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip, Laurence and David Rockefeller, both British and French Rothschilds, Harry Oppenheimer, and Conrad black - who was the former Daily telegraph owner, House of Lords member, Council on Foreign Relations member, Trilateral commission & Bilderberg steering committee member, that was imprisoned for fraud and later pardoned by President Trump.

Black was provisionally released from prison in July 2010, shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court limited the effect of a federal fraud law that had been used to prosecute corruption cases against business executives like Black and Jeffrey Skilling, the former CEO of Enron Corporation.[1] Source

Other members have included; Fiat boss Gianni Agnelli (who we will discuss in later chapters), Maurice Strong, Lucis Trust connected Robert Mcnamara (who we will discuss in later chapters), Zaire dictator President Mobutu, Mossad agent Tibor Rosenbaum (whose International Credit Bank was identified as laundering money for mobster Meyer Lansky), and fugitive arms and drug trader Robert Vesco, the latter of which had financial connections to Baron Edmund De Rothschild.


Staying with the Rothschild's, in the image above we find Jacob Rothschild with Cherie Blair and Lily Safra. Mrs Safra being the widow of 1001 club member Edmund Safra, noted as having died under "mysterious circumstances". The Atlas dossier was an official report that looked into the collapse of a mafia linked company called Société Commerciale et Minière de l'Uele COMUELE. The report stated that the aforementioned Paul Vanden Boeynants, Roger Boas, and (retired Israeli military officer) Abraham Shavit, used Safra's Republic National Bank to launder their funds.

Those who were, suggested one newspaper, 'range from the Russian mafia to Japanese investors, through drug cartels and Middle Eastern trading companies'. It seemed that Safra, 67, who was renowned for his protective shield of Israeli bodyguards, was a man with no shortage of enemies. Source

In relation to Shavit, I previously highlighted that his Maltese branch of ASCO was implicated in the fallout from the Iran Contra affair. Hence it's worth pausing to highlight that on page 61 of his book Iran Contra: Lessons From The Durrani Affair; Professor Alan Block notes that Shavit was close to Portugese arms dealer Manuel J Pires, who was alledged to have been handling secret CIA arms transfers. An individual who said he was working through Pires was Arif Durrani. Imprisoned for illegal arms trading, Durrani proclaimed his innocence on the grounds he was authorised by Lt, Col Oliver North.

Zaid said a document has been found from the Office of Independent Counsel that references a CIA document about Pires. Durrani claims he worked with Pires as go-between for North to get the missile parts Iran wanted. Source


I reference this connection because North was subsequently named in the Franklin Child Abuse enquiry. Regular readers will note that I have already spent the last couple of chapters connecting ASCO to the network surrounding the case of Marc Dutroux. Furthermore, both the Dutroux and Franklin cases were alledged to have contained elements of Satanic ritual abuse.

Whilst noted as speculative, and in recognition of the fact that neither man was officially charged, it's worth pausing to reference that another individual connected to the Franklin inquiry was psychological warfare operative and Satanist, Major Michael Aquino. Here we can observe that Aquino had a presence within Nato installations in Belgium. He also travelled to (nazi dark artist) Heinrich Himmler's Castle Wewelsburg, to conduct black magick rituals in its hall of the dead.

Returning to the membership list, we also have Henry Keswick, who was the chairman of Jardine Matheson. Recalling the observations of chapter two, the co-founder of Jardine Matheson was the British East India Company connected William Jardine. An individual recognised as the architect of the opium wars, and an affiliate of Lord Palmerston and his network of opium traders.

Continuing; Zionist agent Louis Mortimer Bloomfield (who has potential connections to the JFK assassination), Osama Bin Laden's half brother Salem Bin Laden (Prince King Charles has previously been seen dining with Osama’s brother Bakr bin Laden), Count Leopold Lippens (whose connections to the Dutroux case I documented within a previous chapter), and Agha Hasan - who was the former president of The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) that was responsible for industrial-scale financial fraud, drug money laundering, and arms deal financing.

Prince Bernhard & President Mugabe


The membership of President Mobutu gives me the chance to highlight a couple of points. Whilst I have no doubt that a majority of the 1001 Club are members because of their passion for wildlife, such clubs also provide great networking opportunities. My contention being, elite clubs (like secret societies and lodges) contain both inner and outer circles.

I very much doubt that worldwide resource control is a consideration to Mugabe, although the ability to feather his nest at the expense of future generations very much could be. The 1001 club could potentially provide the perfect meeting place to facilitate such mutually beneficial outcomes

Double headed eagle at the city gate of Alaca Höyük, Turkey (1450-1180 BCE)


Another notable attendee (and important bloodline) was the commander of the order of the British Empire, honourary Club of Rome member, UN high commissioner, and UNESCO (formed by Julian Huxley) executive secretary, Prince Saruddin Aga Khan. The Prince was also a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Sylvester, which is one of five degrees of knighthood granted by the pope.

The Aga Khan II was bestowed the British knighthood of the order of the Indian Empire for both his and his father's unflinching loyalty towards the British Raj. Aga Khan III later operating as a British imperial agent during world war I, and as president of the (Rockefeller funded) League of Nations. From the League of Nations onwards, the dynasty has performed numerous roles within the subsequent United Nations. In 2004, Queen Elizabeth II awarded the current Aga Khan the title of Knight Commander of the British Empire.

As previously referenced, Britain has played an integral role within this evolving world order.

In his memoirs, Hassan spelled out his reasons for joining the invading army of the British Raj in the conquest of Afghanistan and Sind from Muslim rulers. Hassan (a Muslim mercenary and so called direct descendant of the prophet!) referred to the British as"the people of God" (khalq 'ullah), and to his role of acting as a secret agent for the British general Sir Charles Napier as"for the sake of God's pleasure" (mahd-i rida-yi ilahi). Source

Worth highlighting is the fact that whilst humanity kills one another over their religious interpretations and cultural differences, at the upper echelons of world power we observe an interconnected relationship that traverses the narratives we allow ourselves to be divided by.

Aga Khan is the title of the Imam (spiritual leader) of Nizari Ismailis, an esoteric sect of Shia Islam. The dynasty are said to be the direct descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, and the Aga Khan title holder is often equated with being the manifestation of God.

The Ismaili Imam is guided by the Holy Spirit throughout his life and is therefore infallible (ma‘sum) and sinless in his words and deeds; Source

The Ismailis are the survivors of an Islamic (esoteric) secret society known as the Assasins, named so for their politically motivated murders and fanatical fervor.

In 1901, three Syrian Ismailis were arrested in Tripoli as they were leaving for Bombay. They were carrying letters and money collected by these Sheikhs for the Aga Khan. The Sheikhs were arrested from Salamiyya on the charges of illegal "money-laundering". These leaders were charged with murder, attempted murder, and the use of violence for collecting money for the Aga Khan, records Douwes and Lewis. In 1903, the prisoners were tried in Damascus. In 1905, the Court issued a verdict condemning all the accused to life imprisonment. Page 218

Whilst they certainly have an interesting and convoluted history. Amid modern day accusations of money laundering, the Aga Khan is a bloodline of global influence.

The Nizari would appear to be the spiritual descendants of the Egyptian Fatimid, a messianic movement that traced their dynasty from Muhammad's daughter Fatima. The philosophy of the Nizari could be simplistically equated with fused elements of the Kabbalah and Gnosticism. A key difference being that the Nizari perceive the gnostic demiurge as the protagonist of enlightenment.

For anyone that's interested, I'll return to elucidate some of the deeper layers of Ismaili gnosis in part three of my Cult Of Saturn series.

the Aga Khan claims descent from Fatima, the daughter of Islam's prophet Muhammad, via the Fatimid rulers, who founded Cairo in 969 A.D. They later transferred to Syria and Iran, where they were known and feared by medieval European crusaders as the Assassins. Source

After the fall of the Ismaili state of Alamut in 1256, Ismailism began to develop close associations with esoteric Sufism, the latter of which have connections to the previously discussed Sabbatai Zevi's Donmeh.

Much of Dönmeh ritual is a combination of various elements of Kabbalah, Sabbateanism, Jewish traditional law, and Sufism.Source

As we can observe in this paper the double headed eagle has a Sumerian origin and is representative of their god Ninurta. Its connection to alchemy has been highlighted in previous chapters.


HRH Prince Karim Aga Khan is also a recipient of the David Rockefeller leadership award. The Aga Khan foundation has a myriad of financial interconnections and partnerships with (amongst many others), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, The Ford Foundation, Microsoft Corporation, and Johnson & Johnson. They have further partnerships with the Ford Foundation and John Hopkins university.

Today we all regret that last year’s award recipient, Lord Rothschild, is unable to be with us as was originally planned, but I’m delighted to have the privilege of introducing this year’s honoree in his stead. His Highness the Aga Khan is a man of vision, intellect and passion. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing him for almost forty years, ever since he was an undergraduate at Harvard and a roommate of my nephew Jay Rockefeller. David Rockefeller

Through the European Foundation Center (EFC) alongside the Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Bros Fund, Carnegie UK Trust, and the Prince Bernhard Culture Foundation, the Aga Khan Foundation is currently spearheading a multi-pronged response to Covid-19.

Here we can observe that former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, exonerated multi-billionaire Aga Khan from the financial burden of paying taxes. The Aga Khan also have a close and controversial relationship with the Trudeau's.


In 2015 the Aga Khan Foundation drafted a report titled "Innovative Finance For Health" which highlighted the funding strategies and finances required to implement the global health challenges of the United Nations (Agenda 2030) sustainable development goals. Partners included Gavi, the WHO, and the UNITAID health initiative that is comprised of Clinton Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Soros funding connections.

Alongside Maurice Strong (with whom he co-authored several papers) Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan is one of the key founders of the corporate environmentalism movement I have documented over numerous posts. In 1977 the Prince created the Swiss-registered Bellerive Foundation, which has since merged with the Aga Khan Foundation.

Bellerive acts as a catalyst for action - promoting public, media and political awareness of issues as well as associating, where appropriate, with other organisations / networks to stimulate lobbying activities at the highest level. It also has a long tradition of convening major international conferences on themes having direct implications on the long-term stability of our planet. Source

The Princess Catherine Aga Khan founded (youth-focused) Earth Focus Foundation, is a promoter of the UN's sustainable development (Agenda 2030) protocols, and an educational tool for youth-led corporate-sponsored environmental activism. Here we can observe that they're partnered with the UN Connected Sunx (Strong Universal Network) which is a legacy program for Maurice Strong.

Nowadays, sustainable development is becoming more and more part of our daily life. An important visibility was given to the concept in November 2015 during the COP21 in Paris, confirming the 17 sustainable goals announced in August of the same year by the United Nations as well as through the encyclical letter “Laudato si” safeguarding the common house of the Pope Francis which appeared at the same time. Earth Focus Foundation

Aga Khan Foundation USA CEO Dr. Mirza Jahani meets Pope Francis at the Vatican Conference on Impact Investing


Given the fact that Prince Saruddin Aga Khan was knighted by a pope, it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that the Vatican and the Ismailis have a historical working relationship. One such area relates to their affiliation to the Global Impact Investing Network, which is in turn connected to The Council For Inclusive Capitalism.

Image: Courtesy of Niki Rapana - author of the Communitarian Manifesto.

Stakeholder/Inclusive/Communitarian Capitalism

"For our survival we must purge and purify our minds of the myth of sovereignty, which is a political and philosophical leftover from a dead past." Before its too late Page 100: A dialogue between Club of Rome co-founder Aurelio Peccei and Daisaku Ikeda.

The Council For Inclusive Capitalism is a Vatican led/partnered organisation that reads like an Agenda 2030 inspired (Queue buzzwords: inclusive/sustainable) communitarian doctrine. Members include: The Rockefeller Foundation, State Street (see my Covid-19 financial connections post) Corporation, Bank of America, BP, Du Pont, Ford Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, Bayer, Nestle, The United Nations, Merck, and the Lynne De Rothschild headed, Inclusive Capital Partners.

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican is a global nonprofit organization established under the auspices of the Vatican with the moral guidance of Pope Francis. Source

By their language you shall know them. Memetic warfare includes both the Orwellian limitation and weaponisation of language.

The time has come in this interdependent world for individuals to submerge their personal interests in the good of the group; for the group or groups to merge their interests in the national good; for nations to relinquish their selfish purposes and goals in the interests of right international relationships and the good of humanity as a whole. Lucis Trust

Equality = Global feudalism
Sustainable = The control over every facet of our lives.
Inclusive = Divisive/Hive mind of accepted opinion.
Inclusive language = Orwellian Newspeak
Transformation = Social engineering.
Selfish = Individuality/national identity/divergent opinions.
Nobody left behind = No choice.
Vibrant community = Corporate gulag.
Harmonious = An ever expanding array of forbidden questions.
Common good = Communitarianism/totalitarian usurpation of individual rights.
Fourth industrial revolution = A transhumanist devolution.
Sustainable development = Global governance.
Community = Localised Agenda 2030.
Expert = The professional face of the communitarian consensus.

The new world order will recognise that the produce of the world, the natural resources of the planet, and its riches, belong to no one nation but should be shared by all. There will be no nations under the category ‘haves’ and others under the opposite category. A fair and properly organised distribution of the wheat, the oil and the mineral wealth of the world will be developed, based upon the needs of each nation, upon its own internal resources and the requirements of its people. All this will be worked out in relation to the whole. Lucis trust Founder Alice Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p191.

Council Announces Support of Convergence Toward Common Metrics and Standards Around ESG and SDG-Aligned Investments. Source

ESG = Environmental Social Governance
SDG = Sustainable Development Goals

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism is a movement of the world’s business and public sector leaders who are working to build a more inclusive, sustainable, and trusted economic system that addresses the needs of our people and the planet. Source

Let's here it from the Lucis Trust.

The needs of all must be met … much of the work will be purely economic … the reform of the world religions will draw on commonsense and progressive theology … nations need orienting to each other so that differences can flourish within a unity of purpose based on a desire for the welfare and progress of all. Lucis Trust

Below we can observe that the council are very much aligned with the governance principles of the UN and the World Economic Forum. Whilst here we can observe the WEF extolling the virtues of inclusive capitalism. Inclusive capitalism = stakeholder capitalism = The Great Reset = financial communitarianism = wealth redistribution = feudal poverty for all and a populace increasingly reliant on corporate/government benevolence.

Aspirations for Systemic Change
Council members make actionable commitments aligned with the World Economic Forum International Business Council’s Pillars for sustainable value creation—People, Planet, Principles of Governance, and Prosperity—and that advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Source

"Council Guardians" include Dupont chairman Edward D Breen. We also have Lynne Forester De Rothschild, who is a Bilderberg attendee (introduced to her husband Evelyn De Rothschild by Henry Kissinger whilst at a Bilderberg conference), a CFR member, Chatham house member, a close friend of Hilary Clinton, historically connected to the Clinton Foundation, and the founder and chair of the Coalition For Inclusive Capitalism. The latter of which are supported by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations.

Of further note is that fact that she is the trustee of a McCain Institute that received funding from Saudi Arabia.

It is alleged that De Rothschild introduced Prince Andrew to Jeffrey Epstein. Equally, in their book 'A Convenient Death: The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein', journalists Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper claim that she made the connection between Epstein and Bill Clinton.


While many countries are now consolidating individual recovery plans, there remains an urgent need for a global plan that can create new or regenerate existing institutions, particularly those of global governance, and help to build a new network of international relations for advancing the integral human development of all peoples. Pope Francis letter to the World Bank & IMF

Continuing with council membership; we have Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Shah, who is also a member of the Trilateral Commission, a member of the CFR, and the former director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. We have CFR member Darren Walker, who is also the former Rockefeller Foundation vice president, Ford Foundation president, and a regular Bilderberg attendee. State Street president - Ronald P O' Hanley, WEF member and Johnson & Johnson chairman of the board - Alex Gorsky, and Merck chairman of the board - Kenneth C Frazier, who was a previous recipient of the ADL's "Courage Against Hate" award.

Of course, David Rockefeller was "instrumental" in the creation of the Trilateral commission - and he also served as Chairman of the board of directors for the CFR. The founding President of the CFR was one John W. Davis, who concurrently acted as personal attorney to J. P. Morgan. The funding for the CFR provided by individuals such as Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, J.P Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller.

Further members include Bilderberg attendee and Bayer CEO Werner Baumann, who was the individual that launched the $62 billion (cash) takeover bid for Monsanto. The latter of which had ties to the WWF, created Thalidomide, Agent Orange, and Round up - thus are responsible for millions of murders, deaths, birth defects, and cancers. Another interesting member is Marc Benioff, who is both a member of the WEF's board of trustees, and the inaugural Chair of WEF’s Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. He is also the owner and co-chair of a TIME magazine that has been heavily promoting the (not so) Great Reset, the WEF & the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The inner circle of Davos is known as IGWEL.

The most coveted badge in all of Davos is one with a shiny holographic sticker on it -- despite the fact that most attendees, and even some Forum employees, don't actually know what the sticker actually means. It's seen on the badge of every head of state, so some people thinks it means you are a head of state. It doesn't. In fact, the shiny hologram grants you entry to the hyperexclusive Davos-within-Davos known as IGWEL, or the Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders. Source

As I highlighted in chapter 5 - the provocative language of the WEF signals that in many ways, they exist as a visible sleight of hand that serves to focus attention. In truth, what we're looking at is a philosophy that is more than the sum of its multifarious parts - and far bigger than the interchangeable puppet of the moment.

Continuing with Benioff; worthy of note is the fact that is the previous vice president of Oracle, which evolved from a former CIA project. He is also the co-founder and co-ceo of (inclusive capitalism stakeholder) Salesforce, a cloud computing pioneer that were one of three companies who developed COVID 360. As highlighted by Salesforce's senior vice president Bob Vanstraelen, COVID 360 was built by Diagnostics Robotics, who have connections to Israeli intelligence.

Introducing COVID 360, a free full Coronavirus treatment solution for patients & citizens at risk. COVID 360 is built by Deloitte Israel, based on Salesforce Health-Cloud, & "Diagnostics Robotics" Al triage and clinical predictions platform. Source

Alongside several other CFR/Trilateral Commission members, and Bilderberg attendee's, we also find the ubiquitous WEF trustee and former Bank of England governor - Mark Carney. As I documented in a post from early 2020, in December 2019 Carney wrote an open letter to the World Economic Forum titled 50 shades of green. In the letter he admitted a new global financial system (i.e digital energy based stakeholder capitalism) was under construction, but lamented it wasn't occurring fast enough, enter Covid-19 and The Great Reset.

A new, sustainable financial system is under construction. It is funding the initiatives and innovations of the private sector and amplifying the effectiveness of governments’ climate policies—it could even accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Unfortunately, like virtually everything about the response to climate change, this new sustainable financial system is not developing fast enough for the world to reach net zero. Source

The letter also spoke to the creation of a powerful new regulatory risk management body called the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Whilst currently voluntary, due to the integrated nature of lending requirements and insurance disclosures, the TCFD will (by proxy) legislate that all businesses must adhere to the uniformity of global environmental governance. Indeed, under the guise of environmentalism, we are observing a globalist coup that will evolve to become a noose of red tape around the necks of the small business owner.

I went into some detail about the TFCD (including Rothschild & Rockefeller partnerships) within said post, for a deeper layer of context I'll be adding it to my #blurt blog once I've finished this series.

Whilst the philosophical foundations of stakeholder capitalism read as if we each have a stake in the outcome. In truth, the most powerful corporate/institutional interests become the veiled wardens of the global to local gulag. The larger the stake, the greater the influence. Here we can pause to observe that in relation to the elucidations of previous chapters, this base template broadly correlates with the previously discussed (communitarian precursor) Synarchy movement. Synarchy being the occultic inspiration for fascism - and fascism (as described by Mussolini) comprising the merger of state and corporate power.

It is my hope that your discussions will contribute to a model of “recovery” capable of generating new, more inclusive and sustainable solutions to support the real economy, assisting individuals and communities to achieve their deepest aspirations and the universal common good. Pope Francis


As a global to local community stakeholder, the corporation/institution now has a financial and moral duty to not only adhere to the diktats of one-world governance, but to also echo and enforce the corresponding values, principles, and mandates (vaccine passports as a requirement to work etc etc) of the global consensus. Creating "safe spaces" for both employees and customers that are inclusive of the required one world social, moral, ethical, and political contracts, and exclusive of all that question their convoluted narratives and formative deceptions.

‘‘Society is demanding that companies, both public and private, serve a social purpose,’’ Fink wrote in his letter. ‘‘To prosper over time, every company must not only deliver financial performance, but also show how it makes a positive contribution to society.’’ BlackRock CEO Larry Fink


This is why we're observing an ever increasing spate of whitewashed corporate virtue signalling, narrative control, and social engineering. The social aspect of ESG giving corporate governance points for social responsibility and inclusive marketing campaigns. The latter of which relate to scorecards compiled by the (above) Open Society connected Human Rights Campaign and their Corporate Equality Index. As with the TFCD, the organisations that fail in their social responsibility will find it increasingly difficult to secure finance and funding.

They demanded that “all relevant stakeholders exhaust all efforts to ... confront vaccine hesitancy by sending a clear message about the safety and necessity of vaccines and counteracting vaccine myths and disinformation.” Vatican

Whilst I've previously documented a generalised overview, I'll get into the finer details of the new law system they're creating at a later date. In essence, and in tandem with the observations of this post, the manufactured consensus will not only usurp the rights of the individual, but aligned/protected minorities are also used as a means of stifling the voices of the targeted majority. Consider the creation of a contradictory morally relativistic hierarchy of justice.

“Our age has seen priests of the mind teaching that gregarious is the praiseworthy form of thought, and that independent thought is contemptible. It is moreover certain that the group which desires to be strong has no use for a man who claims to think for himself.” Julien Benda, La Trahison Des Clercs:The Treason of the Intellectuals (1927).

For all their doublespeak and overblown superiority, in truth, the statements from the wardens of the global community virtue signal their idiocracy. No inalienable rights, autonomy equated with heresy. Let's hear it from Lucis Trust founder Alice Bailey.

“This coming age will be as predominantly the age of group interplay, group idealism, and group consciousness as the Piscean Age has been one of personality unfoldment and emphasis, personality focus and personality consciousness. Selfishness, as we now understand it, will gradually dis appear, for the will of the individual will voluntarily be blended into the group will.” The Rays and the Initiation, p109.

“In the coming world state, the individual citizen — gladly and deliberately and with full consciousness of all that he is doing will subordinate his personality to the good of the whole.” Education in the New Age, p122.

So far so idealistic. But what of the "human cancer" that refuse to surrender their sovereignty to the one world order? We'll find out what they have planned for us in later chapters.

Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull. George Orwell - 184.

Currently it's quite laughable, but in virtue of the fact that much of it is youth-focused, it's also insidious. As it begins to evolve and expand, narrative control, and virtue signalling are all indicative of our move into the synergistic/communitarian structure of global governance. The long-term vision equating each stakeholder as a reverberating brick in an increasingly impenetrable wall of social engineering. The controlled polarities of supply and demand, birthing the fictional synthesis of planet earth incorporated.

However you dress it up and from whatever angle you're coming from, it's about aligned collective rights usurping the rights of any individual or national identity.

The protection of the Biosphere, as the Common Interest of Humanity, must not be subservient to the rules of state sovereignty, demands of the free market, or individual rights. The idea of Global Sovereignty must be supported by a shift in values that recognize this Common Interest. — Earth Charter, “Green Cross Philosophy

The reasoning behind the transfer of authority from individual self responsibility (sovereignty) and towards the collectivist blind faith of the fetishised "expert opinion" (including the new age gurus that are aligned with the olgarchy funded "global transformation project") are found within the Rockefeller Philanthrophies formative creation of the social sciences. As noted in one of their own reports, their funding was designed to:

“increase the body of knowledge which in the hands of competent technicians may be expected in time to result in substantial social control.” Source

Due to it's size, I have broken this chapter into two parts - part two will be posted next week.

Written by @perceptualflaws
Gifs courtesy of
All public domain artwork is source referenced.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And they make sure the victims will never be heard .

Posted from

Yes its disgusting - nothing seems to change and they're still as corrupt as they ever were. I pray that one day the victims will receive the justice they deserve. :(

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Happy new year and thanks for bringing this information to us for more comprehension of what is going on mostly behind the scenes.

Thanks mate - I hope life is treating you well. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

As well as one can expect 👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am nearing the end of "Atlas Shrugged." There are significant parallels to what you are saying is the future envisioned for us by these scary creatures, whatever they are. I believe Ayn Rand was a freemason. Many of your quotes above are said by the rulers, the government mobsters, in her book

In the coming world state, the individual citizen — gladly and deliberately and with full consciousness of all that he is doing will subordinate his personality to the good of the whole.

Selfishness, as we now understand it, will gradually dis appear, for the will of the individual will voluntarily be blended into the group will.

The needs of all must be met

Rand did not forsee that tyranny would come via the medical industry, or that accepted sexual practices would tip into perverse.

Her bad guys also said, as many of the bad guys of today are saying, that reason is a myth, and we should stop thinking for ourselves and leave that to the experts.

I'm not sure how this relates, or what Rand's role in all this is (as a freemason, very suspect), but there it is.

So these guys are super powerful, all over the world, and in cahoots. The network, begun many centuries ago, is HUGE. It isn't looking good for us. I look forward with trepidation to your next post!

Posted from

To be honest - I haven't read very much of Rand's work so I can't comment on her perspective. But the overarching point is that (across every spectrum of society) we're looking at the increasingly overt realisation of an ancient philosophy. One that has been heavily idealised and romanticised by the western mindset- as we continue, I will increasingly display the reflective shadows of that idealisation - and document the networks that brought it into an ever broader public awareness.

Regarding sex - it is a key component within what can be described as an alchemical process - keep that thought in mind - for there is much more to be revealed.

Curated by @ultravioletmag

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you!!!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Screen Shot 2022-12-11 at 5.34.51 PM.png

Thanks dude - all the best to you. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Jah bless 👏

You do us all a favor

Appreciate your great work 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There you are! I will be reading this soon, but I wanted to stop in to say how happy I am to see you here again.

Posted from


Thank you kindly @ultravioletmag

Thank you @owasco - that's very kind of you, it's good to be back - and I hope life is treating you well. I'm full on today, but I'll be back to answer your other message. :)