For me, 2021 came with its own challenges. Yes, there were some high and low moments, but in all I had gone through the experiences grateful that I kept moving forward.
The year started out with some rejection letters. These were scholarships I had put in a lot of efforts applying for that didn’t pull through. I really felt discouraged by the outcomes. However, I didn’t dwell on the rejections for so long, I continued to take smaller steps and was rewarded sometime in February with the Junior Achievement Nigeria (JAN) Scholarship.
The JAN scholarship helped me secure a certification on the Google IT support Specialization program hosted by Coursera.
With the soft-skills I obtained, I channeled my efforts towards more volunteering works.
The take home for me with respect to my dealings in 2021 is summarized in the keywords – “Perseverance and little efforts”. Another is not dwelling on “one’s mistakes and many rejections”. Mistakes are inevitable, sometimes too we fail. However, I always pray that when I fail that God grants me the strength to get back up and do better. Yes, this is my prayer for you too.
Everything hadn’t worked out fine the way I wanted. I didn’t get the much-needed scholarship to further my postgraduate studies overseas but I had kept making applications in hope that 2022 turns out better. What matters the most, is really engaging oneself productively, learning new things, helping people the little way we can and still seeking/working to get better.
In due time, you will get good rewards and obtain favor. This, I am certain of.
So, this year – 2022, believe me, is going to be a beautiful year; Just keep taking those nice steps to Victory.
I really learnt a lot from you smiles
You have learned a great deal, when we understand that perseverance is a fundamental part of life to achieve our dreams, then we understand that everything is about being patient, persevering and fighting for dreams.
Because perseverance pays off. We have gained this experience over the years, but you learned it due to all your experience in 2021, which is already a gain.
Continue fighting for your dreams and do not stop contemplating what you want, that will facilitate the path you need to follow to achieve them.
Good vibes.
Thank you so much for your kind words @angelica7. I also look forward to all the good works we can do on this platform and beyond.(smiles)
A big congratulations to you.