Ponzi Scheme I joined: Earn 7-9% of your investment daily on LBPlus.

in # crypto •  3 years ago • 3 min read
Let me start by stating a disclaimer that this is not financial advise, but purely an informative and educative post. Use information you obtain from this post however you like, but beware that I will not be responsible for any losses you incur following the information in this post. I shall also not share any of your profit and every profit or loss is solely yours.

Now that this disclaimer has been set forward, let’s get into the details of this post.

A ponzi scheme is generally defined as “an investment fraud that pays existing investors with funds collected from new investors”. That being said, LBPLus is a ponzi scheme and not legit.

How It Works


LBplus poses as a “legit” trading site where you can make money by trading what seems to be options. Bu simply selecting “Buy” or “Sell” you make profits if the outcome coincides with your selected option.


We trade once everyday from 11:30am to 1:30pm everyday. There is a telegram group where trade signals are sent. These signals are guaranteed to win in a matter of 7 stages. If the 1st stage loses, we proceed to the 2nd stage, and the 3rd stage, up till the 7th. The LBP team promises to compensate participants if they ever loss at the 7th stage, as long as you have not less than $20 in your balance.


Their profit rate is a 7-9% profit daily. This means that you can make your entire principal amount in less than 2 weeks.


When you refer your friends, you earn a commission of 1.3% of your level 1 trading capital. 0.8% of your level 2 trading capital, and 0.6% of your level 3 trading capital. I have made about 30USDT referal commision so far.

Now like I said, this is a ponzi scheme and care must be taken if you decide to get involved with them. Withdraw both your principal and profit daily. This is not a guaranteed way to not be scammed, but is a little safer than just leaving your money there. LPBplus has no withdrawal fee so you can withdraw to poloniex and back everyday anytime it’s time to trade.

The most recent ponzi scheme and the biggest(in my opinion) this year was CG. I am sure a number of people here might’ve been involved with it and got scammed when CG collapsed last week. This is the ponzi game. You have to be prepared to be scammer at any moment when involved with ponzis and so it is advised to only invest money you can afford to lose.

If you accept that this risk is solely yours and that I am not responsible for any losses or profit you incur and you wish to sign up, you can use the link below👇to sign up



Text me on telegram if you want to talk more about this. My telegram is “@shadow_zo”

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ponzu scheme’s are risky
The chances of it crashing is really high actually

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Exactly. If you wish to enter into a ponzi scheme, you need to fully accept that you might get scammed at any moment and you should only risk money you can afford to lose.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is really so risky. Even though they pay now, they won't later. I've been a victim and I really don't want to go down that path again...

Anyone who wishes to venture into it can. I'm glad you stated the disclaimer at the beginning of the post.