Mydailypost support initiative / Mydailypost iniciativa de apoyo [Eng / Esp]

in # curation •  2 years ago • 3 min read

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From the #mydailypost initiative we launched a new idea to support Blurt posts and give them more reach and visibility. Throughout the week, and supported by the curator accounts associated with this initiative, we are going to select some of those publications to give them that reach that is often needed.
As a result of the great participation in the 4 weeks that we proposed to start with the #mydailypost, we will give 5 prizes of 100 Blurt each to the finalists of them, plus a special one to that person that we will select. Our intention is that all the participants have fun publishing and sharing with us and the #mydailypost will continue on its way with future installments. We are going to continue supporting the label and we only ask you to make an effort with the quality of what is published since we are more and more rigorous, we will try to support all those who continue with this initiative with our account.
The @phototalent project wants to reward many of you with this support from your curator account while giving you that recognition of quality work demonstrated and published on our Blurt platform. To that end, and with some new ideas that we will present soon, we are starting a series of reports on the selected publications. Thanks to all of you, it makes using our #mydailypost and #phototalent tags so much easier. Greetings friends.

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The selection for today



Congratulations @andy4475

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Congratulations @luluwinda

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Congratulations @globetrottergcc

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This is a free, fun initiative, in which your creativity and good vibes will find a way to express themselves, so we invite you to have fun and at the same time participate for these great prizes on Mydailypost.

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Desde la iniciativa #mydailypost lanzamos un nueva idea para apoyar las publicaciones en Blurt y darles más alcance y visibilidad. Durante toda la semana, y apoyados por las cuentas curadoras asociadas a esta iniciativa, vamos a seleccionar algunas de esas publicaciones para darles ese alcance que muchas veces se precisa.

El proyecto @phototalent quiere premiar a muchos de ustedes con este apoyo de su cuenta curadora a la vez darles ese reconocimiento de trabajo de calidad demostrado y publicado en nuestra plataforma Blurt. Con ese fin y con algunas nuevas ideas que presentaremos próximamente iniciamos una serie de reportes sobre las publicaciones seleccionadas. Gracias a todos ustedes, nos facilita mucho el uso de nuestras etiquetas #mydailypost y #phototalent. Saludos amig@s.

Esta es una iniciativa libre, divertida, en la cual tu creatividad y buena onda encontrarán una forma de expresarse, así que te invitamos a divertirte y a la vez participar por estos estupendos premios en Mydailypost.

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It is a pleasure for us to share our best wishes and congratulations. You have been given a virtual hug by the curation account @newvisionlife and manually curation by @OneRay.
Thanks for using our hashtag #newvisionlife

Es un placer para nosotros compartir nuestros mejores deseos y felicitaciones. Usted ha recibido un abrazo virtual de la cuenta de curación @newvisionlife y curado manualmente por @OneRay
Gracias por utilizar nuestra etiqueta #newvisionlife