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I took a look at the blurtsavingsclub, and it seems a good initiative. But it doesn't have the appearance of a contest, it seems a topic-focused project more.
If you want, I can suggest you to upgrade it as a topic-focused with a price, so it will become a contest: for example, creating a weekly post and setting a beneficiary reward of 20-25% to the user who reached the best improvement to their Blurt Power. Or the best percent, maybe more correct for the little fishes (ie the ratio between the increase of blurt power and the blurt power at the start of the week). This way is the best for the users without a great BP. Do you think it's possible?
Then, I wait for a little time to insert the contest in the list, because I want to see they are effectively active on the platform. Give feedback about my comment and let me know if you want to create this type of contest. :D

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

maybe not about the blurt power since members of #blurtsavingclub can save something like BTC, euro, anything so maybe a beneficiary for the best weekly post

Quality = reward

I suggested you because choose on quality is more difficult and based on our personal opinion. Anyway, yes, fine. I'll take a look on your initiative in the next weeks. If it becomes a real contest, I'll add to the list :)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

new weekly saver club post made introduced the "contest" : )

I will monitor your initiative. At the moment, it doesn't seem an official contest as the other ones, but I can talk about it joining the initiative in one of my weekly posts. May I join creating a Blurtsavings section once a week in one of my Daily Adventure post? :)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great if you join the initiative, and yeah maybe one day i will add a real contest

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes but if based on my personal appreciation it prevent the same whale to win each week