maybe not about the blurt power since members of #blurtsavingclub can save something like BTC, euro, anything so maybe a beneficiary for the best weekly post
Quality = reward
maybe not about the blurt power since members of #blurtsavingclub can save something like BTC, euro, anything so maybe a beneficiary for the best weekly post
Quality = reward
I suggested you because choose on quality is more difficult and based on our personal opinion. Anyway, yes, fine. I'll take a look on your initiative in the next weeks. If it becomes a real contest, I'll add to the list :)
new weekly saver club post made introduced the "contest" : )
I will monitor your initiative. At the moment, it doesn't seem an official contest as the other ones, but I can talk about it joining the initiative in one of my weekly posts. May I join creating a Blurtsavings section once a week in one of my Daily Adventure post? :)
Great if you join the initiative, and yeah maybe one day i will add a real contest
Yes but if based on my personal appreciation it prevent the same whale to win each week