Feeding the fish in my pond

in # fish •  2 years ago • 3 min read

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

Hope you all are well Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Today I will tell you about the fish in our pond and how we cultivate them.

In the beginning I did not get up early in the morning. And went out after drinking breakfast water. And there I see my north pond, what's up with the fish. Then I went to our west pond. And see how the fish is doing and whether it has grown. Or I go to our kitchen to feed and my fish have no food. Then I hurried to our market here. And going there first I took two kinds of food. The first meal is dip. Second meal is home food. And the first was 7 kg. And the second took 7 kg, then took an auto and went home. And I put the food in the glass. Then take a bowl of dipped food and put it in the north pond. And see how the fish eat the food. Then after standing for some time he brought another bowl of food home. And give it to the fishes.
Then I went to our west pond. And went there and first took a bowl of powdered food. And give it to the fish and stand there for a while to see how they eat it. Then bring another dip. Then two more bowls of house food are brought. And with the fish we sit and watch them eat. And glad that my fish farming has been a bit successful. (And yes, I bought these foods i.e. doba food at 65 taka per kg and home food at 45 taka. And each bag cost 1200 taka.) It was noon at that time. Because of this, we could not go to the big market here, so we could not bring sacks of food. This is why we bring it as kg. Then I go to my garden.
Then I planted many kinds of flowers in my garden there. I keep watching them. And see that my plant has blossomed. And I didn't take any pictures of them. And I see what happened to the other flowering plants. And how much has it been? And I like the rooster flower better than me. Then I took a flower from her. And keep showing everyone that my tree has flowered. Then I put wire around the trees so that no animals can get in. Or come home for lunch from there. And rest by eating and drinking. Allah is Hafez. You all will be fine take care. And take care of the family and pray for everyone. Pray for me. Assalamu Alaikum Orahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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