by @brave-smoke on Brave-Smoke's Corner
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I originally wanted to keep my silence on this day. We freedom fighters know and remember what happened five years ago on March 19th/20th 2020.
It's a wound that we all suffered not easy to speak.
So this video is one of my heavies, probably one of my most honest to date. I review what it was like in my corner of the world during March 19th 2020 and my life prior to that. I then go off on one. Then i go off on another one, and another.
If you do get to the end of the video, i just want you to know that it's my privilege to know that freedom fighters like yourself in your corner of the world are trying to do the best you can to bring light into this world. Please don't give up, for your own self-respect stick to the cause and stay on course.
Every freedom fighter needs all the back up and camaraderie we can get. Besides, you may have better luck than i in forming communities. I just know that my time has not come to serve the freedom community, as the Yi already answered in my consultation last year....receiving hexagram 53 was very revealing to my path and that which must be done.
I hope that one day, someday soon, i can be of use to a community of forward thinking vigilantes, banding together under honesty, compassion and a code of honour; against this tyranny of a world that invites deception.
Stay vigilant my brothas and sistas!!!
Live to fight another day!!!
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