TFT - League of Legends Final Game of Set 9

in # helloblurt •  2 years ago • 3 min read

TFT - League of Legends Final Game of Set 9

I was simply messing about, but I couldn't ignore Warwick's transporter augment when I saw it, Strangely despite having played hundreds of games, it was the first time since the start of the set. Warwick can use this augment to increase his attack power by 5% and his ability power by 5% each time he deals or receives damage, These upgrades can be added 40 times total. Warwick also deals magic damage rather than direct attacks that regenerate health, We're releasing the werewolf's potential though I realize it seems confusing.

I can't claim that my early game was great but at least my economy is strong, I currently have fifty gold. a solid environmentalI currently have fifty gold, By the way, Scuttle Puddle serves as the setting for this game, In other words, when we kill the PvE enemies you typically face they transform into scuttle crabs and reward us with cash.

I selected the Radiant Relics augment from the second list of augment options, With this enhancement you can select a radiant item, The Blessed Bloodthirster was the best item for Warwick out of the five. Although I would have preferred a nicer item this one will do.

Look at the Warwick's damage a 1 star! It's crazy, 3 stars I'm in awe of what he is capable of, Due to Warwick's 2 stars I won the following 3 bouts after losing the first two in the middle of the game. I was angry because I couldn't locate enough Warwicks, so I didn't utilize my gold very wisely but that's okay.

I choose Pandora's Bench for the last augment because I genuinely believe it to be one of the greatest silver augments, Every round the three champions in the far right corner of your bench transform into other champions with the same worth, This makes it simple for you to award desired champions with 3 stars, You obviously need a little bit of luck:P

Warwick is quite overpowering with this augment even at 2 stars, He alone can wipe out the entire board, The idea is to increase the amount of Juggernauts rather than Challengers when you select this augment because Warwick is already becoming stronger as he attacks.

This is the finished product of my composition, which I found using an Aatrox from the carousel, 2 Challangers 2 Zauns, and 6 Juggernauts, I could attempt to somehow activate the four Zaun boosts if the Zaun modification wasn't excellent but since it is, there is no need. Guinsoo's Rageblade, Bloodthirster and Quicksilver are Warwick's top weapons. Given that K'sante is, in my opinion the only opponent to this composition, Quicksilver is significantly more problematic than it first appears, If K'sante erases Warwick from existence.



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