I was sent this news the other day and someone had plonked it under a 3 yr old post of mine which certainly tied it all together nicely.
Newsflash -
Mississippi has registered an alarming rise in the number of infants being treated for congenital syphilis.
And their reason for this sudden epidemic in babies?
“delayed pre-natal care is the primary healthcare risk factor for newborns with syphilis,” adding that the disease is an “entirely treatable problem”
So the cause of the epidemic is not going to the quacks when pregnant? Really?
Now to the post about what 'syphilis' really is.
Every page is fact filled information. It was difficult to choose..
Page 3. The war came and it was re-discovered that there is a marked similarity, if not a genuine identity, between the so-called first stage of "syphilis" and smallpox vaccination. It was discovered that smallpox vaccination will give a positive Wassermann reaction----the so-called false positive. The question will not down: How do they know it is a false positive? What is a "false positive"? How do they know that the forcible infection of a man or woman with cow-pox pus is not identical with the infection that gives rise to a chancre? The resulting sores in each case are so nearly identical at every stage of their evolution that they cannot be differentiated.
Page 6. How; then, is "syphilis" to be diagnosed ? What is "undoubted syphilis"? What are the "characteristic symptoms" of a disease that imitates every disease in the nosology? If anything from a cold sores to cancer, from pimples to heart disease; from a skin rash to insanity can be diagnosed as "syphilis" Who can tell when a patient has "syphilis" and when he does not have it?
Page 9. Charles W. Barnett, M.D. , Stanford University Professor of internal medicine, was director of the Stanford Medical School's "syphilis" clinic for twenty years. Speaking before the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association of life Insurance Examiners of America, in the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif., October 233333, 1952, Barnett told the assembled physicians that nearly half the people who were once diagnosed as "syphilitic" don't have the disease and never did have it. He told them that the "widely-used Wasserman test has been proved highly inaccurate.
The old tests were unreliable. Patients were treated for long periods with poisonous drugs for a "disease they did not have because tests that were, even then, known to be unreliable, showed that they did have it. Why could not the physicians who treated these patients determine that they did not have "syphilis" from its symptoms.
Page 10. It means that our law makers in passing the compulsory test laws of mothers and people who applied for a marriage license acted hastily and unwisely under the influence of the frenzy and panic that had been created by the syphiophobic minds of the Rockefeller-financed agent designed to sell more drugs manufactured by Rockefeller.
Page 11. The evolution of the "syphilis" myth forms one of the most amazing stories in all medical history, a history which is replete with myths, such as the myth of rabies, and the myths of cures and immunizers.
Physicians of the past, who had no such tests and were equally unable to diagnose the disease, created the disease for us. They drew it up out of their imagination. No physician has ever dared to accept my challenge to prove that the disease exists.
Page 31. The eruptions of this "secondary stage" of syphilis look so much like measles, chicken pox and various rashes that they fool even the most skillful and experienced physicians.
Page 49. The relation of poor nutrition to so-called "syphilis" is amply demonstrated by its so-called prevalence among the pellagrous-diet fed Negroes of the South.
Page 53. No person should be labeled a syphilitic on the basis of a single laboratory test. But if we cannot rely upon one test how may we rely upon two or three? Do we reach certainty by the multiplication of uncertainty? Can we arrive at fact by multiplying error?
Page 87. Mercury itself is a cause and, often, the sole cause, of many conditions which are called ' tertiary syphilis."
Page 90. Thus it became clear to me that the entire chain of symptoms which are commonly diagnosed as constitutional syphilis are nothing but the effects of mercury in the human body.
Page 100. When the public learns that this huge nightmare "syphilis" is a medically created monster, that it is the product of what we call science, then we will hear less of "syphilis" and its ravages upon the human body.
Page 103: "syphilis" is a medical creation. It is a disease and a state of mind that the medical profession has cursed the race with. It is a medical crime.
Page 112. Parran tells us one "attack" of "syphilis" does not confer immunity against "reinfection." This refers to the absurd medical notion that certain diseases confer immunity to future attacks. There is not an iota of evidence in favor of this ancient superstition and every physician knows this. Yet they all subscribe to it in the case of a few diseases, although they freely confess that most of the "infections" do not confer immunity. The whole of the vaccine and serum practice is based on this insane notion.
Page 113. Skin lesions are due to drugs or to autointoxication.
"Syphilis" is said to pass through three stages--primary, secondary and tertiary. Between the second and third stages is a quiescent stage, which makes four stages in all. If the disease presents three stages, why do these three stages not develop? Patients cared for by natural methods do not develop any stages?
Page 122. I challenge the entire medical world to prove that there ever has been, or is now, in any part of the world, a single case of the disease called "syphilis" as defined and described by "medical science." I challenge them to prove that the whole thing is not a clever fabrication which has deluded even its fabricators.
Page 124. They are still attempting to cure the disease by the very drugs that cause it. This is homeopathy with a vengeance, although these men are allopaths.
Page 133. The loathsome symptoms of late syphilis are built by mercury, arsenic, potassium iodide, bismuth and fear. Mercury, arsenic and bismuth are cumulative---they resist elimination; they remain in the body and build the conditions diagnosed as tertiary syphilis. Chronic drug poisoning is added to the delusion "syphilis."
Page 139. Rest and fasting are the quickest means of eliminating toxins from the body.
(Transcribed by Jim O'Kelly)
So now knowing all this (which was written long ago) do you see the fallacy of their claim? The reason is quite the opposite of their claim. The cause of this so-called 'syphilis' is entirely modern medicine and poverty.
Missing you! Hope all is well.
This could be true about every disease. Stay away from pharmaceuticals. Better yet, stay away from allopathic doctors. That medical model is designed to make patients and money, not health.
But holy cow! So no such thing as syphilis? I have heard it said that nothing is contagious, and am starting to believe it. What better way to control a population but to poison them, then tell them to be afraid of human bodies, including their own? We've been so incredibly stupid!!
No not stupid, maybe just misinformed from birth. xx
Modern medicine in a nutshell...
That may well be the key idea that launched a dictionary of fabricated and pre-fabricated "diseases".
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