Hace unos días, en esta publicación, escribí una publicación sobre un tema del que estoy seguro que a todos les ha pasado por la mente, o por lo menos a la mayoría.
Ese pensamiento, “todo puede perderse mañana”, a muchos holders de TERRA Luna se les hizo realidad. Ha sido increíble ver como un proyecto que parecía sólido, con buenas bases y respaldo de grandes desarrolladores, se viene al suelo de un día a otro. No era una memecoin, no era un juego NFT, se trata de algo más grande y posicionado a pulso entre los 10 grandes proyectos con mayor market cap.
Pues ha ocurrido y no se sabe si se recuperará, yo espero que si. ¿Has tenido Luna en tu billetera? Yo sí, cuéntanos tu experiencia.
A few days ago, in this post, I wrote a post about a topic that I am sure has crossed everyone's mind, or at least most of them.
That thought, "all can be lost tomorrow", came true for many TERRA Luna holders. It has been incredible to see how a project that seemed solid, with good foundations and backing from great developers, comes to the ground from one day to the next. It was not a memecoin, it was not a NFT game, it was something bigger and positioned among the top 10 projects with the highest market cap.
Well, it has happened and we don't know if it will recover, I hope so. Have you had Luna in your wallet? I have, tell us your experience.
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Yes… I had 3 Luna that were once worth $300….. now those 3 LUNA are worth $3.
So I bought 20 more LUNA today for $20.
So now I have 23 Luna worth about $23 ….
Total disaster.