in # instablurt •  2 years ago • 2 min read

My Mum has literally a healthy person atleast since I knew her. She hadly got ill and I always thanked God for giving her that kind of health. She realky worked hard to keep the family going since my Dad got sick; she has been the one person who took almost all the responsibilities of taking care of the family and I have always been so proud of her.
My Mum was basically a farmer and business woman, she combined both farming and business to keep the family going and she made sure all her children went to the best schools she could afford.

She always believed in me and she knew that her struggles would subside as soon as i start earning enough to take care of dependent. She made me see reasons to work harder and never quit.
I never went a day without atleast saying "Hi" to my Mum despite the distance since I left my home town to another city. She was around all my plans and I couldnt have gone an inch without her.
To say I love her is an understatement. She was just a major part of my life.
I love her until this moment.
To make the whole story short,she complained of head ache and was rushed to the hospital just for her to be diagnosed of brain cancer.

I have been heart broken and totally broken..It feels like my world has crumbled. I am helpless. I have submitted to the will of God even though it hurts.
Rest in peace Sweet Mother.
We shall reunite again in the life to come.


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My condolences to your family. May your mom rest in peace.🙏

Thank you for your prayers.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Condolences bro. So sorry for your loss.

Thank you much Bro...